Not 100% sure, but I think AI test/tune gets greyed out if you are viewing a live feed of a cloned non-recording camera.
That last image is way too green, hehe. Use the 3-dot menus to turn off/disable everything except "Object detection yolo". Only yolo objects should be green. The scene, face, etc are going to absolutely kill your confirm times, and are in general not helpful for security cam use. I bet once you pare that down to just yolo objects, your confirm/unconfirm times will drop drastically (perhaps <500msec, vs 5000msec).
Also yesterday I discovered you can uncheck "Use default object detection" in BI AI settings (2023-01-06 12_03_33-.png). Then you can remove "objects:0" from all of your cameras. I think this is a cleaner configuration personally, but not sure it makes any difference performance wise. On another side note... confirm times will be longer after a reboot due to models getting loaded into RAM... so after a reboot/AI restart, wait until all of your used models have been triggered at least once before assessing performance.
Also... dang too bad that door frame is covering the logo... that could be why didn't find it. If that continues to be a problem, you may have to trigger on the road instead (get your AI shots before that door is opened).