default camera for triggering an alert?


Pulling my weight
Oct 15, 2022
I have one camera set to trigger another in Blue Iris, using the "Configure command Action / Trigger" command and pointing to another camera. Works well, but for some reason on one cam the receiving "camera" choice changed to "default", instead of the intended cam. I think that might have messed it up, maybe making a loop. So I reset it back to the proper cam and it seems fine. My question though, is which camera is "default" in the receiving cameras list? I'd like to know so I can figure out what was happening.
Not sure, never done it that way. Unless you have something more that you're trying to do, the easier way is Camera settings > Trigger > Trigger camera groups. If you want both cameras (or however many) to trigger each other, then make a group with both in it. If just one way, then make a group with a single cam and select that group to trigger.
Not sure, never done it that way. Unless you have something more that you're trying to do, the easier way is Camera settings > Trigger > Trigger camera groups. If you want both cameras (or however many) to trigger each other, then make a group with both in it. If just one way, then make a group with a single cam and select that group to trigger.
thanks, yes, that would also work. This way works fine, allows you to target a single camera easily... just have to tell it which one. But when it somehow changed to "default", I got some messy lockups, I'm assuming it was a loop that kept it triggered to itself.. So Just trying to figure out what "default" is. Might be the same camera I'm logged in to (therefore the loop?) (the reason for triggering a second camera is my 4kT , mounted sideways ("corridor mode"), won't reliably do IVS on its side, but another camera sees similar area, so I have that triggering the 4Kt). If I have any more trouble, I'll do the group trigger.