Defect JPGs by FTP Upload Samsung QNO-7080R


Feb 16, 2017
Reaction score
I use three Samsung/Hanwha QNO-7080R cameras. I use the motion detection and I want to upload a JPG to a FTP server (on Fritzbox) by motion. It works but most of the uploaded JPGs are defect.
The other problem is that the camera does not send me an email with a picture after a motion is detected although the test emails are sent, so the email account should set correctly.
All cameras have the acutal firmware.
Unfortunately the hanwha support is not very good and I got no answers for my requests :/ I assume that my problems are caused by the firmware but what should I do?
The live stream of the camera works well and everything is recorderd on a Lupus recorder without any problems.
Can anybody help me? Are there other users with a similar problem?
Thank you in advance.
