Detect/ignore static objects

Senor Pibb

Getting the hang of it
May 22, 2020
Greer, SC
I have been running AI Tool for a while now but decided to try out the new BI Deepstack integration. Last night I made the move after watching The Hookup video (love his videos) I made sure to check to Detect/Ignore static objects but last night around 3:00 in the AM it started detecting my truck. Sometimes with a yellow box, orange box and yellow box. Not sure what the color codes mean (last night I saw blue box) here is a screen capture of my alert list. BTW can BI create a larger image with the "highlighted" object?
And now I had to remove the truck from detection because it just keeps going off.


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I’ve been having the same experience so you’re not alone. The colors of the box, as far as I can tell:

blue = static object
orange = confidence > 66%
yellow = confidence < 66%
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Have you tried enabling object detection? In your camera settings, under the trigger tab, click Configure in the Sources area. Then enable object detection. Click edit and here you can set it so motion won't be triggered unless the object travels a certain amount of pixels. This may reduce false alarms. If this doesn't work others have had a success setting up multiple zones and settings rules where an object must pass through zone A into B before the camera is triggered.
I have been running AI Tool for a while now but decided to try out the new BI Deepstack integration. Last night I made the move after watching The Hookup video (love his videos) I made sure to check to Detect/Ignore static objects but last night around 3:00 in the AM it started detecting my truck. Sometimes with a yellow box, orange box and yellow box. Not sure what the color codes mean (last night I saw blue box) here is a screen capture of my alert list. BTW can BI create a larger image with the "highlighted" object?
And now I had to remove the truck from detection because it just keeps going off.

You need to update to BI 5.5.1.x or later. The newest versions will not consider objects gone until it is missing for 2 minutes. So headlights, other objects blocking your car, whatever, will not cause it to think it is no longer occupied. I had the most problems at night and car headlights flashing the camera causing BI/DS to lose cars that are parked and then start reporting them as new/fresh objects whenever motion is triggered next by something else. This change to BI made a big difference in static object detections for me. Here are the update notes.

5.5.1 - September 23, 2021
The DeepStack AI feature to detect/ignore static objects has been improved by
implementing some hysteresis—it now takes time (up to 2 minutes) to consider an object
either static or “gone” from the scene. This prevents false alerts caused by static objects
that only temporarily disappear from detection. Also these algorithms are now applied to all
objects, not just those enumerated in the to confirm box.
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