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Known around here
Sep 25, 2021
Hit the bricks and VOTE! We did not build this "Nation under God" without some hard work so WE could VOTE!

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We vote on Election Day, not during Election Season.
All I know is that I found all of the hidden "R"s I could find
and voted NO everywhere else.

Being handicapped, I find it a blessing to be able to not get run over by everyone as I am a bit slowwwww in my pace (last week I lost a race with the tortoise
by only 9/10 of a lap). :cool:
I'm in Texas, we got this (fake Hispanic) clown Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke running for Governor on them Dem side, the one who infamously claimed "Hell yes!" he WILL take our AR-15's. So I voted red all the way down that ballot, FOR SURE! Cameras are great to dissuade people and for security, but if they don't care about the cameras and break in anyway, I want the best gun possible to defend myself. And yeah I voted early, but I got kids and a job and I'm busy. If I happen to get sick or have to care for my kids if they are sick, or am otherwise unable to vote on election day, I didn't want to miss out, so early is better than not at all.
I will go vote, in person, on election day at a polling place less than a half mile from my house where I will be asked my name and address, and asked to produce an ID that shows my name and stated address. Let Freedom Ring.
And if you don't vote on Election day, you should not exist, period. I don't find it amusing when neighbors b!tch and rant about what they see all day but do nothing to address those concerns. Many around me don't seem to vote. New York is a cesspool full of of mostly uneducated, unhygienic, hypocritical, neurotic, and psycho-maniac people.
I'm in Texas, we got this (fake Hispanic) clown Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke running for Governor on them Dem side, the one who infamously claimed "Hell yes!" he WILL take our AR-15's. So I voted red all the way down that ballot, FOR SURE! Cameras are great to dissuade people and for security, but if they don't care about the cameras and break in anyway, I want the best gun possible to defend myself. And yeah I voted early, but I got kids and a job and I'm busy. If I happen to get sick or have to care for my kids if they are sick, or am otherwise unable to vote on election day, I didn't want to miss out, so early is better than not at all.

You do not have to justify voting early. We voted yesteday, so that is considered early as well. Don't care, we voted, and we voted straight R all the way! God Bless Texas and F**K BETO!
Hit the bricks and VOTE! We did not build this "Nation under God" without some hard work so WE could VOTE!

Apparently "God likes it on top"...