Differences to be aware of with rebranded cameras?

yeah I work along side large teams of developers doing nothing but unix development, for everything from embedded hardware to cloud architecture.. every line of code they write is intended for the backend of the internet, none of them do front end work so they spend every working moment in a unix environment.

Guess what 98% of them are using as workstations? MacBook Pro's.. some have linux installed on em, but most just rock OSX and keep on working like they always have.. the 'Windows' laptops they offer are actually more powerful and expensive IBM's, yet so few opt for that hardware its rare to see one.

but these are the kinda staff that manage there own computers, none of us need desktop support or even give IT that level of accesses to our stations.. the'll just break our products if you give them access.
Hmm, You mean BSD Unix with a "Stable" graphical interface? I can understand that, seeing the job they do... The most excited I've been in a while is when MS sorta added bash to Windows. Let's see how that progresses... :)

Not getting into platform politics, except... An Ipad is bathroom reading while you're taking a 20 minute dump... Ask my wife. A phone is for talking/texting/email. A PC whatever os it's running is for work. :) PC is far from dead.
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yep, pretty much exactly how I view OSX.. I am such a command line junkie that I thought it was only natural to edit video files via command line.. hah, I only recently gave up vi on a remote server in exchange for Atom locally and Git for syncing, and thats only because I have to provide so many code examples recently its nice to be able to copy/paste rich formatting (syntax highlighting) into an email.

Its got XServer support so I can still fire up any Linux UI software I wish locally, and portage for all the foss apps and development tools I need.. as long as it works and dont get in my way.. and I can honestly say a OSX Desktop has got in my way alot less than Ubuntu/GNOME has... oh and I can use stuff like SmartPSS, StarCraft2, Web Meetings w/Cameras, etc so it works better in many cases for both work and pleasure.

Ive got a co worker who's an OSX hater, its funny watching him join/drop out of meetings a few times before he finally gets his audio/video working in a Windows VM so he can teleconfrence with the rest of the team.. give him all sorts of shit, his excuse: apple wont auto-focus on mouse following, like the stupidest UI feature ever.. haha. see what happens when you get married to a specific interface. Im married only to *nix, I have linux, darwin bsd, freebsd, openbsd, solaris all running in some form or another doing whatever it is they happen to be best at.
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