Hi there, I have this IP camera, from the brand of Shenzhen Xuanyuanxing Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (good luck trying to say that) and i've been using one of their cameras (IT Camera X5 (2A2NI-X5)), I don't have any issues, but i've been trying to see if I don't have to use their proprietary software, so I opened up the camera and there's not really much to work off except for the SoC chip labelled Augentix HC1703, I've googled and researched this chip but it seems like the only people who have ever talked about it are the company, people selling the boards, and this Russian forum who mention it: the forum in question so, not much to work off. I did find the patents for the camera itself from the fcc but again, not much to work off. So i'm stuck, i've looked into similar (i think) chips which mentioned to use serial which can get you into the linux shell (which I can confirm this camera does have, it had an update which included uboot). I have scanned the ip behind the camera but the ports that are open do confuse me, theres no web ports or telnet ports, but random ones: 1214/udp 4500/udp 6050/udp 17505/udp 18255/udp 21364/udp 21644/udp 21847/udp 21868/udp 36206/udp 38498/udp 42639/udp, I do hope someone can help me figure out if this camera is even possible to break into and use without it's own app.