Does anyone have any experience with the Augentix HC1703 chip?

Hi dhigginb, glad to know it works for you too!

If you have a chance to browse the files of your camera check the and tell me if you have "devmem" commands: on my cameras I found it 8 times at the lines 54, 55,56, 57, 573, 574, 581 and 582 (see AJ_HC1703L_Teardown/tmp/ at main · Jalecom/AJ_HC1703L_Teardown) and I have no idea of the purpose. I can figure out a low level write to enable a device; maybe the whatchdog ?!? Maybe a GPIO configuration ?!?
Additionally if your is similar to mine, you can put in the only the commands you need and exclude the unwanted ones. If you don't need to access the camera from outside your network, you can stop/block/prevent the comunication with the chinese server with the hosts file (see zsgx1hacks/readonlysd/hack/ at master · ant-thomas/zsgx1hacks). You can even kill the itself.
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