Downside of zoom ?


Getting the hang of it
Feb 6, 2025
Thanks to wittaj with this : Mini-Review - 5442-Z4E-S3 AKA B54IR-Z4E S3 - Replacement to the 5442-Z4E to help convince me and steve1225 & wildcat_1

the HFW5849T1P-ASE-4K "fullcolor" is super bright allowing fast speed at night but for zoom in purpose :

1. if i go for DH-IPC-HFW5442E-ZE at full zoom and compare that to a DH-IPC-HFW5442E-Z4E but actually only use 12mm of its full zoom , are they going to be comparible pic quality
2. whats difference between e & t versions
3. what does s3 bring
4. if im going to run this alondside my HFW5849T1P-ASE-4K with high lumen light , is the 5442 going to be significantly dimmer & therefore need settings that will make pic poor & grainy
5. will the pic be significantly darker at night on 32mm zoom compared to say 7mm zoom

hey wittaj do you have a night pic comparison 5442ze full zoom vs 5842z4e at about 12mm zoom if poss showing them stopping subject movement as wildcat's review seemed to show pixellation of hands as shown below

The Z4E at little zoom versus ZE at full zoom will likely result in the Z4E having better optics because it will have a better f-stop than the ZE.

The S3 simply means it is a different chipset than the previous model. In this case it is a big improvement in night quality and produces a brighter image.

Two of the same cameras sitting side by side require different settings so yes you will have different settings between these two cameras. The S3 version can get it close in brightness to the 4K, but the 4K will probably be brighter.

For the same field of view and lighting, a camera at 32mm zoom will be darker than a camera at 12mm zoom because the more you zoom the more light that is needed. Plus the more you zoom, the tighter the field of view gets.
Good morning wittaj, I am guessing that U would opt for a 4mp z4e rather than 8mp z4e to get good night colour police ID pic ... To give a full size person filling frame at about car length from cam with similar lighting as wildcat pic attached. Do U see the pixelation of hands and paper , would 4mp not have that pixelation.
For night performance, if two cameras are on the same size sensor , I will opt for the lower MP camera because it will need less light than the higher MP on the same sensor.

Remember these are not photography cameras and some issues are always possible. Compared to other camera brands, wildcats fingers above look very good - many brands the hands just disappear LOL.
Well since the HFW5849T1P-ASE-4K with my super bright night light does very good , think I will opt for 8mp - this is a sample from that cam late into dark night

Keep in mind that your 8MP is on the ideal 1/1.2" sensor whereas the 8MP Z4E is on the smaller 1/1.8" sensor. I have both versions of the Z4E and will go with the 4MP all night long as seen in this thread

You should buy the proper camera for the distance you are interested in. For example, I assure you at 60 feet the 4MP Z4E will outperform your 5849 in IDENTIFY qualities.
uve sold it 4mp it is ! have a great day over there ... great fan of david bromstad "my lottery dream home" and "million dollar listing" , cheers for all your patience , from a drab grey day in uk