Thanks to wittaj with this : Mini-Review - 5442-Z4E-S3 AKA B54IR-Z4E S3 - Replacement to the 5442-Z4E to help convince me and steve1225 & wildcat_1
the HFW5849T1P-ASE-4K "fullcolor" is super bright allowing fast speed at night but for zoom in purpose :
1. if i go for DH-IPC-HFW5442E-ZE at full zoom and compare that to a DH-IPC-HFW5442E-Z4E but actually only use 12mm of its full zoom , are they going to be comparible pic quality
2. whats difference between e & t versions
3. what does s3 bring
4. if im going to run this alondside my HFW5849T1P-ASE-4K with high lumen light , is the 5442 going to be significantly dimmer & therefore need settings that will make pic poor & grainy
5. will the pic be significantly darker at night on 32mm zoom compared to say 7mm zoom
hey wittaj do you have a night pic comparison 5442ze full zoom vs 5842z4e at about 12mm zoom if poss showing them stopping subject movement as wildcat's review seemed to show pixellation of hands as shown below

the HFW5849T1P-ASE-4K "fullcolor" is super bright allowing fast speed at night but for zoom in purpose :
1. if i go for DH-IPC-HFW5442E-ZE at full zoom and compare that to a DH-IPC-HFW5442E-Z4E but actually only use 12mm of its full zoom , are they going to be comparible pic quality
2. whats difference between e & t versions
3. what does s3 bring
4. if im going to run this alondside my HFW5849T1P-ASE-4K with high lumen light , is the 5442 going to be significantly dimmer & therefore need settings that will make pic poor & grainy
5. will the pic be significantly darker at night on 32mm zoom compared to say 7mm zoom
hey wittaj do you have a night pic comparison 5442ze full zoom vs 5842z4e at about 12mm zoom if poss showing them stopping subject movement as wildcat's review seemed to show pixellation of hands as shown below