Drone swarms in the northeast?

This just sticks in my head as not being crazy

Iranian false flag incoming?
(Bonus #4)

This is starting to sound familiar...

Can’t tell us who planted the pipe bomb.

Can’t tell us why Thomas Crooks wanted to kill Trump.

Can’t tell us how Ryan Routh got money to travel the world and buy guns when he was only making $3,000 a month.

Can’t tell us how cocaine got inside the White House.

Can’t tell us where the drones are from
Thank you for posting this; now I can sleep better knowing that an alien is not going to want to go up my ass
Those are two mutually exclusive issues. That alien still WANTS to go up your ass. And there is NOTHING that you can do about it.
Maybe it really is Iran practicing for Trump's inauguration.
Wait, now we have to protect our asses from aliens flying up them?

I missed the memo, do those Covid masks work for that?
Wait, now we have to protect our asses from aliens flying up them?

I missed the memo, do those Covid masks work for that?
About as well as they do for COVID! :lol:

This is a wild story. I do not believe for one second that they do not know what these are for the good or bad. It might be serving a few purposes at once, Subterfuge, Lookie Lookie over here, keeping the news cycles pointed at them. Either way, not saying or admitting what going on is not good for the psyche of the American public (the goal) and keeping everybody on edge. This Country had a BIG sigh of relief last month from the election, That Cannot stand ya know. Need to keep the Edge on the public.
I do know the drone activity has been going on here in upstate NY also, we have seen (I personally) large drones on occasion at night but this is a rural area so its not been as sensational as flying over a populated area's.
One local PD Department was doing a Drone training here in the past week and warned the public about Bears in the area, Who knows. They NEVER announced to the public they were doing this until after the fact.

Drone Bears