DS-2CD2142FWD - Swap Picture Left to Righ?


Young grasshopper
Dec 11, 2016
Ok finally have this up and running.

Thought it woud take in more of my front drive than it does but to be fair it grabs a lot of it ...

One thing I cant see how to change is the fact that the pictures are all the wrong way round.... inverted horizontally - I can sort the flip top/bottom stuff but is there no way to make it mirror what it sees and chnge it.

ie whats on the left as you look at it appears on the right in the pictures returned and vido shown..

Ah close ....

That simply left it upside down :) it was Centre which flipped it both L-R And up/down

I tried loads of combinations ... except that

Now I just need it to be about 8 ft wider in its capture area...
Welcome to the forum.

If the "Mirror" feature for Left to Right didn't solve your problem, AND
if the problem is Top to Bottom, THEN
it sounds like you mounted the camera upside down?
If it's a dome, you can remove the cover and rotate the camera "ball"

But I may not completely understand your problem description....
Sorry ..didn't mean to confuse . There are 4 settings in the mirror setting

Off / up and down / left and night / centre

The dome is on a wall so has to be centre which does both up/down AND left/right ...

Left right on it's own leaves the picture upside down .. up/down leaves the images the wrong way round ...

And yes resolved using Centre ... thanks for help
it could well be out by 90 degrees on the base but i only did minor adjustments to it once mounted to 'level' the view across the driveway it looks onto so it would have been like that from the vendor. I tilted it a lot as it needed to look down more than out.

But yes enough combinations it got sorted ok ..

I may tilt it a little more ..its picking up a lot of motion from the street and I need to desensitise it but not lose what i need - trial and error .

Lots of options on motion detection / line crossing etc that i need to sit and work on ..

Aspect ratio is fine ... amazed by the quality snaps though - my gasman visiting today :D
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