DS-CD2032 FTP Issues


Aug 10, 2015
I bought this camera a couple of weeks ago hoping to have it ftp images up to my website every couple of minutes but I cannot get it to successfully ftp anything. I can enter the FTP settings and it does a successful test... even puts the test file on the site. It never puts any images on the site though. The camera came with FW 5.2.0 and it wouldnt work so I updated the 5.3 and it does the exact same thing. I tried three FTP sites to see if it was server related but it appears not to be.
I searched the forums but couldnt find anything. Any ideas?
OK, so apart from configuring the FTP settings and testing them, where else have you configured the camera to do something with the FTP facility?
Maybe enable the 'Timing' snapshot in the Storage menu, and set the required schedule?
Yes, thanks. I forgot to mention that I have the time set properly and I have a schedule set on the storage tab. It is set to ftp every 2 minutes. When that didnt work I tried to set ievent triggered FTP... but that didnt work either. Thanks again.


  • camera.jpg
    120.4 KB · Views: 24
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Yes, that's the configuration area I was thinking of.
And you have 'Upload type' 'Upload picture' ticked in FTP configuration?
I just tested the same on a 2132 with 5.2.5 firmware and it worked OK with a 5 second interval.
Yes, I have that checked. Should I have any other services enabled/disabled that might affect this? -Thanks!
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Just configured this to try as well on a 2032...
I set up FTP info and successfully tested.
Went to Storage, Snapshot tab, Enabled Timing Snapshot, set it to 1 minute interval.
Hit Edit on the schedule, made it 24/7 for testing purposes.
Hit save, and voila. Snapshots every minute.. just that easy.

So, silly question.. but you do realize you have yours set to only snapshot between about 06:45 to 20:15? For testing purposes maybe set it to 24/7.. unless you are in that time range you set...
Yes, I wanted to take photos only during daylight hours. I did try it set for 24 hours and same result. I have reset the camera twice and reprogrammed from scratch in case there was some setting I had accidentally made... but no luck. What firmware are you running? -Thanks for the suggestions!
Just tried it on a second one... same setup, same firmware. Works perfect.

Something strange set somewhere... The fact it uploads the 'test' file, but not snapshots is puzzling right now.. I'm sure there is a silly explanation.
I will take it home and try it on my home network.... in case there is something on the network. At this point I am grasping at straws.
The fact that the test file uploads proves the network is ok...
Are you able to see the activity logs on the ftp server to see if it's actually logging in to upload a snapshot or not even trying?

Really silly quesiton, but you are hitting the "save" button on the Snapshot configuration page I hope... no offense, but I have missed it, especially if it's scrolled way down below the screen...