dvr problem


Pulling my weight
Sep 9, 2018
Hi all
I have 16 camera dahua dvr its only a low level entry 720p model. ive had it working ok for a couple of years now. it still is working ok viewing on the TV i have it connected to. but the problem i'm having is viewing the cameras online. i recently had my broadband go down local mast or something .. anyway it was not off that long only a hour or two. when it came back on i could not view the cameras either with my computer by accessing the web interface or using my laptop with the pss app or using my android phone with the gdmss app. can anyone suggest what to try before start messing with it,,
Hi all
I have 16 camera dahua dvr its only a low level entry 720p model. ive had it working ok for a couple of years now. it still is working ok viewing on the TV i have it connected to. but the problem i'm having is viewing the cameras online. i recently had my broadband go down local mast or something .. anyway it was not off that long only a hour or two. when it came back on i could not view the cameras either with my computer by accessing the web interface or using my laptop with the pss app or using my android phone with the gdmss app. can anyone suggest what to try before start messing with it,,
Most likely the LAN IP in the DVR/NVR was set to DHCP, not static, so when power was restored it was given a new IP by your router.
Install Fing on a smartphone or tablet and get on your LAN's Wi-Fi, do a scan with Fing and look for the DVR's IP.
Put that IP into your PC's browser and see if you bring up its webGUI...then we'll go to the next step.
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thanks Tony i will give it a try . i can access the dvr's configuration through the tv if this helps. would setting the dvr back to factory reset put things back to normal,
thanks Tony i will give it a try . i can access the dvr's configuration through the tv if this helps,
You should be able to see the DVR's LAN IP using the TV by opening the DVR setup menu.
In the DVR, go to setup. networking, TCP/IP or the like and look for LAN; write that down and try that IP in your computer's browser.
If that works we'll go to the next step.

P.S. - Got any more pix of nice tits for us?
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Well i couldn't get on the DVR last night i managed to put the wrong password in and locked the DVR so gave up.. anyway i logged on today and checked the IP address and nothing as changed everything is still as was before so its not the DVR.. i checked all cables and that the ethernet cable all seems ok.. the DVR is working ok as i have it connected to a TV with a coaxial cable so i can view all the cameras on the tv. it could be the way i have the DVR set up to the broadband that's the next thing to investigate,,
....when it came back on i could not view the cameras either with my computer by accessing the web interface .....

DVR and PC should be on same subnet (like 192.168.1.XXX) and both plugged into LAN ports of same router.

.. i checked all cables and that the ethernet cable all seems ok..
But did you actually swap out the cable with one you know works?
DVR and PC should be on same subnet (like 192.168.1.XXX) and both plugged into LAN ports of same router.

DVR and PC are on the same subnet nothing as changed as far as i can see. my other cameras are all working ok on PC and mobile BUT the way i have this DVR set up is different to my others.. i have this dahua set up in a shed in the garden and the way its connected to my indoor router is via netgear extenders. one extender is plugged into my indoor router it's partner is in my kitchen wireless connection very good wifi connection. the extender in the kitchen as the ethernet cable going to a router in the shed were the DVR is connected to the router the cable is 150 ft and they is only a 1 metre cable connecting the DVR to the router. plus a 150 ft coaxial from DVR to tv in the kitchen plus i have another 150ft ethernet cable from the DVR to the kitchen with usb to ethernet connectors so i can use a mouse in the kitchen to control the DVR thats about it,,

But did you actually swap out the cable with one you know works?
No Tony i must admit i didn't
I did try a new cable but that didn't work.. but i did notice the light on the router port was staying green so i unplugged some other cameras that are working ok in the ports on the router and plugged the cable from the DVR into each port and the light stayed green so i think it must be a fault with the DVR,,