East Palestine Ohio Train Derailment

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No problem, WitchMore is trying (maybe already managed it) to send Norfolk-Southern 15 million taxpayer dollars...
No problem, WitchMore is trying (maybe already managed it) to send Norfolk-Southern 15 million taxpayer dollars...
That'll buy 214 days which comes to Sept. 28th...better hustle, N.S. ! :cool:
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Take it for what it's worth as I'm just posting this here for anyone to read and make their own decisions...

Sounds like they lied about what was in the tanks turns out it was some sort of compound used to clean up after uranium was processed.
The source of the liquid cargo came from Madison, Illinois, a shut-down uranium-rod production facility of the infamous Dow Chemical Company (of Agent Orange notoriety), more recently operating under the cover name of Spectrulite.
The 4 Horsemen of The Apocalypse Have Been Set Loose On East Palestine Ohio & Beyond!
THEY LIED! .." Since the mid-1990s, this highly radioactive site, located across the Mississippi River from St. Louis, has been under a “clean-up” (toxic containment) effort by the EPA, which has resisted designating the huge mess as a permanent hazardous waste dump.
The chlorine-based compound inside the five suspected tanker cars was falsely described by the EPA and Norfolk Rail as “vinyl chloride”, a rather innocuous substance, in a cover-up of the actual content of highly volatile vinylidene chloride."--Dr. Robert Young"