EasyIP3 EXIR Cube DS-2CD2435FWD-IW and PIR alerts


Feb 23, 2018
Reaction score
Glasgow, UK
I've just got myself a couple of these 3MP EXIR Cube cameras and very impressed with them overall, though I am struggling to get the PIR sensor to play ball with Blue Iris. I have posted in the BI forum and the suggestion there is that it is likely due to them running on a more recent firmware (5.5.3) which has for some reason broken PIR alerts to BI, however looking in a bit more detail at some of the howto guides for earlier versions of the cube cameras I am wondering if these EasyIP 3.0 Cubes actually properly support the event notification required?

From what I can see on other guides I should have the PIR Linkage Method set to Trigger Recording A1, as shown in the screenshot below, but other guides also seem to have a tick option on the Normal Linkage side of this page for "Trigger Channel" which I don't seem to have, nor do I seem to have the extra Tab for Alarm Output (though I assume this is down to the lack of hardware interface on these newer cubes for external alarms). Is this Trigger Channel option relevant to alerts to BI or is it just the Trigger Recording A1 option that is important?

I did notice that ONVIF is disabled by default on this more recent firmware, and that with it left turned off BI doesn't seem to be happy with the PullPointSubscription option ticked. If I enable ONVIF then BI does include some blurb in its find/inspect which I assume is relevant:

Has Event services: /onvif/Events
Has WSPullPointSupport

and indeed with ONVIF enabled BI doesn't list thousands of Events: Subscription 00002efd entries as it does with it turned off, but the events still don't seem to come through to BI to actually trigger recording.

So I guess what I am wondering is should these Cube cameras be able to send alerts to BI, and if so will I need to downgrade the firmware? I couldn't see any recent posts on downgrading from 5.5.x to 5.4.5 (which I gather is one that is supposed to work with Alerts to BI). Although I got them from Aliexpress I believe my cameras are World Region ones rather than Chinese (the SN have AAWR######### at the end) so am I correct in thinking I should be able to change FW on these without too much difficulty? In the future if I do end up upgrading the firmware will the firmware on the UK Hikvision site work or should I use .com?

