There's Banks store in DE that we visit during vacation. They put up the same messages on their board, pretty funny most times! Here was one of them a couple years ago:
There's Banks store in DE that we visit during vacation. They put up the same messages on their board, pretty funny most times! Here was one of them a couple years ago:
I pulled the dome off of a PTX425DB-AT and placed a eclipse lens over the camera lens and recorded the attached video. The clouds moved in so this is all I was able to capture. It was sped up 8 times.
Located midway between Houston and Dallas. View attachment eclips cropped8x.mp4
I was so tied up with my Texas Camera, I didn't even walk outside here in Tampa to check. I did notice this morning that clouds were building up and there were an awful lot of chemtrails in the sky!
I still cannot get the camera to connect to youtube. This might be a coincidence but the camera dropped out at 1:10. At that time, I had gone into Synology surveillance station and started a lime lapse. Notice the first frame is at 13:10. Did I do this to myself? Would the synology kick out the youtube? Also at this time, I shut off smartpss so that it was not burdening the system.
So this was crazy, we decided Not to drive almost an hour to see the Eclipse since it was very foggy this morning and cloudy at noon. Well we went out at 1:30pm and all of a sudden all the clouds moved East. Crazy, just in time for the Eclipse, by 2pm the clouds came back but were coming from the South. That was Awesome...Sadly our phones suck at taking any pics, even through the Eclipse glasses...
My weather station showed that the temperature dropped 5.5 degrees during the eclipse and this was during a time of day when it is normally increasing at a fairly fast rate.
No good captures of the eclipse itself, but I did manage to get (what I thought) to be interesting footage of the shadow moving along the path from the various N E W S Skyview cameras.