Email alert setup problem


May 20, 2015
Hello all,

I've searched a bit here, other camera forums, and of course on Google in general to try and resolve my problem. None of the suggestions have worked. I am trying to setup the email alerts on my LTS and Hikvision cameras. I have also tried on my LTS NVR. My intent is to set up line crossing alerts as I know the motions will clog my inbox.

Sender: my email
Sender's Address: my email @hotmail (/gmail)
SMTP Server: /
SMTP Port: tried 25, 587, 465 with all combinations.
Enable SSL = checked
Interval 2s 3s 4s 5s Attached Image
Authentication = checked
User Name my email@hotmail/gmail
Password: pass
Confirm: pass
Receiver1: my emails

I've tried interchanging my hotmail and gmail email addresses, ports 25, 465, and 587 with both combinations. I've tried changing the primary DNS sever in the network settings to an in all instances I get the "testing failed, check network parameters" / "failed to connect to test server". I have used the camera's individual configuration pages while logged into the camera's browser page, as well as the NVR via monitor.

It is my understanding that I don't need to do any other setting changes on the camera, NVR, or router.

I did the port forwarding already and can access my NVR through the mobile app. But I can't get any of the emails to work.

Anyone have any ideas?

What worked for me:
Server Authentication: CHECKED
SMTP Server: (Yours will vary)
Port: 2525 (This is an alternate port that my provider offers in case my ISP blocks it for external servers)
Username: full email address of the account
Password: Captain Obvious here...
Sender address: Same as Username in this case
Receiver 1: different email address
ENABLE SSL: is NOT checked.

Send test email works then.
If I try anything else, I get a 507 error...
I never was able to use SSL with this system, IVMS 4200 2.3.13.

Works for sure with gmail using these settings:

Server Authentication: CHECKED
User name:
Password: xxxx
Confirm password: xxxx
Sender address: as you want
Receiver 1: as you want
SMTP Server:
Port: 465

I think google blocks attempts coming from different IP addresses (geographically far from each other) in a very short time frame. So the most clear solution would be to create new dedicated account for the cctv only.
Use the google settings people have done above. Hotmail (from memory) doesn't work with Hikvision.

What did LTS support say?
I have a cable internet provider (Charter Internet) and found the following settings to work. Just try Googling "mail settings" for your mail service.

SMTP Server:
Port: 587
Password: your_password
Authentiication: SSL
Title: Any thing you want, e.g., Back Yard Security Camera
Mail Receiver: Same address as Sender, or some other email address.
Just make sure that you click on the "+" to add the email
address to the list.