Embed iframes


Getting the hang of it
Feb 19, 2023
I am embedding iframes into a web application and I have a total of 7 cameras I want to display in the application. However I can not get it to ever display more than 6 at any given time. It is also never the same 6 cameras, if I refresh the application whichever 6 are the first to be rendered are what is displayed. Is there a limitation in blue iris for the max number of simultaneous feeds? I am using the following URL in the iframes

Web browsers have a limit of the number of simultaneous connections they will make to a single web origin (http://ipaddress:81 is an origin). 6 was the limit for a long time. I thought that was raised for most browsers recently but maybe not.

I recommend creating a camera group in Blue Iris that shows the cameras you want, and load the stream for the group.
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