embedding UI3 parts in a web page?


Pulling my weight
Oct 6, 2015
Hi all (apologies if this has been covered before),

I'd like to embed UI3 in a wall-mounted tablet, but not the whole interface. I would like to just display a simplified view with the live feed and clips from a single cam.
Ideally, the embedded version would give users the ability to scrub back and forth from the current clip and maybe even select preview alerts. Does anyone know if this is possible?

A lot is possible if you know how to edit the HTML markup used in the UI3 web server pages, BUT.....

I suggest you use BI's built-in ability to create a GROUP, assign a specific camera to it, create a USER and limit that USER to view a specific GROUP and its clips.

Give your friend the URL, their user name and their password.

The URL will look like http://Your-BI-Server-IP:BI-port/ui3.htm?group=GROUPNAME (GROUPNAME is the name of the GROUP you created).

They enter that into the browser, the BI login for UI3 will appear, they log in with their user name and password you created and up pops only the chosen camera and its clips.

On the USER setup page, insure the user is NOT given Admin rights. You can also restrict their login duration, their bandwidth, even when they can access it. BI can notify you when they do.

Below is a screenshot of UI3 of my BirdCam (Group is "birdcam", user is 'birdcam" and password is...yep, "birdcam". She laid these 4 eggs 6/4, 5, 6 &7. They should shatch any day now. This is this pairs second batch since March 30th when started a brood of 5 eastern bluebirds!

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Thanks for the reply!
Sorry, I should have been more clear.

Yes, I already use the grouped view. It's functional, but because this will be displayed on a small, wall mounted screen, I'd like simplify the display. Ideally, I could clean up the view a bit to remove the clip browser, CPU stats, and on the left, and menu bar on the top.

Put another way, what I'm looking for is the ability to just embed the latest clip, including the rewind/fast forward/pause/scrub controls.
Put another way, what I'm looking for is the ability to just embed the latest clip, including the rewind/fast forward/pause/scrub controls.
So forget the "live feed" you mentioned in your OP?
Like hxxp:/blueirishost.blah/ui3.htm?cam=ipcamname&tab=clips sounds to me is what you are looking for. Maybe

That starts with live feed with the clips option on the left side where you can then tap and the playback controls show up.
So forget the "live feed" you mentioned in your OP?

Yes. My fault for not being clear.
I would like to show the live feed first (already got that) and then once a user clicks on the live feed, swap out to the last clip so they can review the latest activity.

@Norcal thanks for the tip!
I've tried this method, but the view is still very cluttered for a small screen. I think the best way I can explain is just a simplified browser for the clips, similar to youtube fullscreen view
@silencery Here is a list of all the URL parameters supported by UI3: Url Parameters

For anything you can't achieve with that, you may be able to achieve via a UI extension (UI Extensions) but to write a UI extension you would need a fair amount of experience with html/javascript/css.
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Just a thought, but plenty of people stream cams to Youtube. Instead of going the UI3 route, why not make the cameras stream accessible to the internet, and then give Youtube the stream URL? (eg. rtsp:/yourip/blah/blah )

And then embed that Youtube livestream URL into a webpage?
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@bp2008 thanks for the reference! I've said it before, but i gotta say it again. Love your work! Really appreciate your feedback. I'll use this guidance to see what I can put together.

@Kn10 that's a creative solution and I might have to consider it if I can work out what I'm looking for. Hoping to keep everything local for now. Thanks!