Escam Camera _ Help_ How save video/pictures without computer on ?


Jul 28, 2015

First of all, sorry for my english . I m french . . .

I bough an Escam GD300 camera.
I try to do something with that camera since a week, and it's not a success

i would like save video photo on the hard drive connected on my network profider (SFR) or other any way if you have an idea ?

My box do not have FTP but SAMBA (and maybe other option)
In camera i don t know what is possible to do. there is menu network like PPPoE, CLoud but i don't how use.

In your case. There are two different things you can do about your issue.

Here is the contact information for the company that sells this camera. Their website has some help videos but not sure if they are in Chinese or not?

Note: These cameras produced by this manufacturer don't support sending video on motion detection via FTP if they don't have a built-in SD card.

They only support sending camera images/snapshots via FTP during motion detection alarms. These cameras can store video locally on a hard drive for motion detection alarms. The cameras just can't send the video via FTP, if the camera does not have a built-in SD card.

thank you also for your reply.

First way : No, i think they don t understand my english :'(

Second way :

I m at my word and link is blocked. (i will see at my home soon)
I will try to say again what you tell me in different words for sure i'm understood.
I have no sd card in camera.
So No video can be send to FTP or any else protocol that s right ? Only picture in FTP.

You also said : "These cameras can store video locally on a hard drive for motion detection alarms" that it is if by using computer ?
Sorry for google traduction ;

In the end, this may not be a good buy.
I wanted to be detected and film or film permanently.
Do you think that with this camera I can do ?

I am not a computer scientist, and I'm on this camera for several days and I begin to weary
I heard about Mini Nvr , what do you think ?
Is that with that I would get back to filming and easily?

Something like that :

Very thank you for your reply and help :D
Ok, thanks.
This evening at home i will see your link, and also try to souscribe a free FTP Storage for testing.