Exposure: Range or Fixed? Which is better?

I dont use use BI or the Day/Night utility. It gets its focus by itself while there's still light.

Lots of things come into play - Speed, Angle, Shadows, IR, Focus obviously.

Here's a example of what I'm fighting daytime. Mostly shadows and angle. The brighter the sun and more pronounced the shadows the tougher it gets
Same car, 3 frames- last one is best
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I do think my shadows with the tree are my biggest problem.
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It also helps if they’re black letters on white background the way God intended it ;)
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Is that a 5241Z12?
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I think broadly speaking this is a good rule of thumb starting point for most.

Then it’s a matter of pushing it a little more to find that point where the noise or lack of brightness becomes greater than the benefit of a faster shutter/more gain

Ambient light plays a big role in how far you can go