Extension rod for PTZ Dahua SD49225XA-HNR ????


Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
Anyone know if there is an down rod extension product specifically for this PTZ or if you have a suggestion on the best way I could possibly add a few inches to 6 inches? I have a downspout that crosses in front of the speed dome that I'd like to clear a little more primarily due to possible IR reflection issues. I don't think the downspout will block what I want to look at as it'll be pointing downward rather than straight across but I included a pic below to illustrate my concern. The pic is from my cell phone as a guesstimate on what it might look like.



I'd like to use the corner bracket instead of a downrod tied directly to the soffet where you can see a junction box for flood lights. Maybe, I don't even need to worry about this since the speeddome likely would be pointing downward and pretty much never looking straight across.
My first thought was "that's perfect" because the downspout doesn't block anything important, but I have to agree that IR reflections could be an issue when the camera is oriented like the picture.

Personally I have not seen an extension like that. I know they make the ceiling mount and a screw adapter, but nothing that has the correct fittings on both ends to work like you want.
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One random suggestion... Could you attach two blocks of treated wood at the corner to extend the bracket outward so the dome is away from the down sprout?
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You could get the ceiling mount and cut it/modify it to what you need.

Or you might be able to find at a hardware store a ceiling fan rod extender and make it work.

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My first thought was "that's perfect" because the downspout doesn't block anything important, but I have to agree that IR reflections could be an issue when the camera is oriented like the picture.

Personally I have not seen an extension like that. I know they make the ceiling mount and a screw adapter, but nothing that has the correct fittings on both ends to work like you want.

That's correct, looking for the correct fittings/adapters for both ends so I can make an extension. I think the PFA111 might be the correct adapter that would go on the bottom of the extension but not sure if Dahua makes the adapter that would go on the top of it.

One random suggestion... Could you attach two blocks of treated wood at the corner to extend the bracket outward so the dome is away from the down sprout?

I think if I move it a couple of inches further, it'll still reflect IR light back. Maybe the solution is to keep the IR off and use an external IR light since the LED's on the PTZ aren't that powerful anyway.

The pic posted above didn't show it but I've since added a PFA120 junction box to move the cam further out and in fact was necessary to do as there wasn't enough clearance to get beyond the downspout without it. Now, the upper white part of the PTZ is right up against the downspout.

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You could get the ceiling mount and cut it/modify it to what you need.

Or you might be able to find at a hardware store a ceiling fan rod extender and make it work.

That'd be the way to go if I can find the correct adapter for each end of the extender I want to make.
The PFA111 is what I was (incorrectly) calling the "screw adapter". I haven't seen an adapter for the top fitting however. The ceiling mount doesn't include one either, so you can't modify it to work.
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I don't have the measurements, but could you use a piece of schedule 40 galvanized pipe? Cutting the slot for the set screws at the top may be difficult without a lathe, but I'm sure you could rig something up with a drill and a file. The holes for the set screws on the bottom would be pretty simple, if you have a tap and die set.
Anyone have the ID of the hole in this?
And what's the OD of the camera mount here?

Edit to Add: May want to use black pipe and paint it white to keep the wife happy.
Hmm, if I'm looking at this correctly, the solution may be the PFB300C plus the PFA111. The PFB3000C looks to be three pieces (threaded mount bracket, decorative cover, pipe threaded on both sides). Throw the bracket and cover away, keep the pipe. Thread the PFA111 to one side (internal threads). Drill 3 holes in the side of the pipe with the external threads and insert into PFB305W bracket that comes with the PTZ. The pipe appears to be 9" overall length. I just need to confirm the diameter across of the external threaded end to see if it'll fit inside of the PFB305W.

The PFA112 is probably just the pipe I mentioned above.
The PTZ is mounted and it looks like I lucked out. It sits down a little lower than I estimated and easily clears the downspout. You can see the downspout in the upper right corner (barely) and honestly, the PTZ is pointing up higher than it needs to be in this screenshot therefore the downspout would not be visible at all. Also, so far the PTZ stays in color all night thus far so no IR reflections issues as of yet.

The PTZ is mounted and it looks like I lucked out. It sits down a little lower than I estimated and easily clears the downspout. You can see the downspout in the upper right corner (barely) and honestly, the PTZ is pointing up higher than it needs to be in this screenshot therefore the downspout would not be visible at all. Also, so far the PTZ stays in color all night thus far so no IR reflections issues as of yet.

View attachment 132398

If you haven't already, make sure you take off auto/default settings to get the best video with motion and tracking capabilities.