Eyesurv / HiKVision Cameras Incorrect Time and Resetting time configuration


Getting the hang of it
Jul 22, 2014
I have four Eyesurv esip-mp2-bt1 cameras and 2 HiKvision ip cameras on my network. For some reason which I have been unable to figure out the time keeps resetting on all the cameras. For example I go in and manually change the time/date and set the timezone, along with selecting the check box for NTP server and click save. I come back in a few minutes and the settings have been reset and the time is not correct. This is ocurring on two different brands of cameras so I don't feel it is a bug in the software. One of the cameras was sent back to Nelly's who tested it and the time did not reset. I have also powered off my NVR to make sure that was not the culprit and it still occurred. The only thing left I can think that would do this would be my Asus NT66u Router but no idea what could cause this. I do have a Synology NAS running and I made sure the Surveillance software was not enabled. I have been in touch with the folks at Nelly's who have been super helpful but at this point its appears its something internal to my network.

Any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated.
I have a dahua that does that. It' hooked to an empire security nvr along with a hikvision camera that does it also. If I remove nvr from network it's fixed

are your cameras able to actually contact a NTP server? Have you tried running a local NTP Service?
By how much does the time change when it's resetting? Is it whole hours like timezones, and is it the same change offset for all the cameras?
What is the actual timezone setting that you are using, and are the default gateway and DNS server settings on the cameras the same as those on another device, eg a PC, where time settings work OK? Presumably both set to your LAN router.
Does the time on your Asus NT66u stay correct?
By how much does the time change when it's resetting? Is it whole hours like timezones, and is it the same change offset for all the cameras?
What is the actual timezone setting that you are using, and are the default gateway and DNS server settings on the cameras the same as those on another device, eg a PC, where time settings work OK? Presumably both set to your LAN router.
Does the time on your Asus NT66u stay correct?

it appears to move 13 hours ahead and changes back to +8 GMT. I'm On EST. The NTP settings appear to work when tested on the HiKvision because it says succeeded. But after a few minutes they all revert back. The router time works fine and is set for NTP. I have unplugged everything I can think on the network that could be causing this. Very annoying.
Nayr - Not sure how to do that in regards to NTP server. Router time appears fine. That's the only piece I have not unplugged obviously.
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Tried a different firmware on the Router still having issues with ip cams reverting to 13 hours ahead. I tried even unplugging all the cams and one by one hooking them up to see if its possibly one cam doing this but it still changed the time after me updating and saving. It baffles me how the software of the cam can be overwritten after the user saves it.
Your TimeZone settings are incorrect, its configured for a timezone thats 13h off from you now.. Internet time is in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), everything then adjusts for local TimeZone and DST settings afterwords.. once it does an internet sync it applies the offset you configured, you did configure a timezone offset right?

You told it to sync off the internet, and to offset the timezone incorrectly.. its doing exactly what you've configured.
Please explain. I have it configured for Time Zone GMT -05:00 and then to sync off time.nist.gov (also tried microsoft) using port 123, update 15mins. I'm located in Eastern time zone is that not correct?

Also that still doesnt explain why the NTP SETUP checkbox is unchecked after it was checked by me and saved. Thats my point its as if it just defaults back.
the box is unchecking? thats no good.

What browser are you using? have you tried another?
Chrome, Safari, IE, Mozilla. Very weird and driving me a little nuts. It wouldn't be that much of a problem if I didnt need a profile for one camera that has too much light at night that it doesnt want to switch over to B&W.
perhaps its unchecking the box because it fails to get an NTP time? thats the only thing I can think of.. might try running a local time server and telling your cameras to use that, thats what I do and I set my cameras to sync every 60s so the drift is minimal.

Scarrz, is there an NVR connected to this or are you using a software like IVMS?
DId you ever get this figured out Scarrz? My eyesurv cameras work great with the Ion but the hikvision cameras are about 2 minutes ahead
I think I know the problem. I just bought two Hikvision cubes to connect to my system (Dahua NVR and 7 Flir cams). The NVR syncs time from the time server e.g. NTP and then, based on the interval you set, syncs the NVR time to all connected cameras. When it does this the Hikvision cameras lose all their time settings and revert to a default. In my case it's International Dateline West. All other cameras sync perfectly. I don't know if this can be fixed