EZVIZ DB1, just LEDs around camera, button does not light up.

Feb 13, 2021

I have a new EZVIZ DB1. I'm connecting it directly to via fuse provided to a 12v AC transformer but the thing is not operating as expected.

Two leds around the camera light up but nothing else. The bell button does not light up. The EZVIZ DB1 unit makes a buzzing sound :-(

Has anyone seen this before? Or have any suggestions?

This should get you through a lot of problems, first being power supply.

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Thanks for that, I'll get reading.

I took out the old transformer and put in a new fuseboard mounted 8-24v AC. I set it to 12v. And now I have red ring flashing 'device exception.

I went to two electrical suppliers today (Ireland) and was told in both that 8 - 24v AC 8VA is the most powerful fuseboard mountable bell transformer available
I put in the new 8 - 24v AC 8VA set to 12v and 24v. The EZVIZ DB1 now powers to the blinking red main button. Holding reset does nothing. I think I have dud unit.
Any opinons


Or 40?