F*ck storage I want the best video quality

Nov 18, 2020
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United States
All the optimiation threads and posts seem to be about reducing cpu usage for the least sacrafise in quality, which i get. But i don't really care, I've had 4, now 6, and soon to be 8 (stopping there) cameras ran by a i5-10400 recording to a 14tb hard drive for about 2-3 years now. I get like a month of continuous recording at 6000-8000 kb/s and the computer draws like 50w as is so power and storage are kind of a non issue for my case,

What settings provide the most gain in video quality, motion blur reduction, and night performance? I'd been at max bitrate h264 25fps for the longest time but am now playing around with h265 and max variable bitrate at like 15fps but other than that i'm not sure what features/settings to take advantage of. Running 4 dahuas, 2 reo's, and soon to be 2 amcrests. Already messed with shutter, gain and all that, i; guess im just wondering if there are features that get overlooked because people are trying to save space/power.


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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Um, you are wrong...

Following the optimization threads does not sacrifice video quality....it is about improving the performance of the computer system.

Nowhere does the optimization say to run cameras at lower resolutions than they are designed for and at lower bitrates. Nothing in the optimization deals with lowering video quality.

The last thing we want is a system that doesn't get great quality images for the police. Lowering resolutions and bitrates to further optimize our systems and lower the CPU% is not what is advocated in the optimization wiki and that would be the single easiest thing to do to lower CPU, but none of us are going to do that because we want the picture quality the camera is capable of.

Shutter speed is more important than FPS.

A camera set at the right settings (shutter, gain, etc.) and the appropriate bitrate for the resolution and field of view and 15FPS will get you the best video quality....

If you want better quality get rid of the reolinks LOL.

What MP are your Dahuas? 2MP is ran around 4000 bitrate, 4MP around 8000, and 8MP around 14,000 for starters at 15FPS.

Running 25FPS at 6,000 bitrate compared to 15FPS at the same 6,000bitrate means you have less bits per frame than the 15FPS, which means your quality is actually less than the 15FPS video.

If you want quality and don't care about storage, H265 and VBR isn't where it is at....you need CBR....and many of us feel H264 provides a better image than H265 due to the macroblocking and higher compression properties of H265. H265 may save storage, but in some field of views that comes at a sacrifice of quality.

And if you want mainstream video 24/7, then simply record continuous. It will unnecessarily eat up your storage, but you said EF storage LOL
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