Face detection option missing

I have a DS-7608NI-I2/8P NVR with six DS-2CD2342WD-I and two DS-2CD2335FWD-I cameras, all with the latest firmware.
They support face detection and are set up as per attached images with H264 off.

Have had a number of attempts with setting for both cameras models and none will trigger an alarm or a channel recording for face detection. Line and intrusion functions all work correctly.

Am I missing something?


Can't see anything wrong with your setup - same as my PTZ DS-2DE4A220IW-DE which works, same as my 2CD2542FWD-IS which don't - its likely a software issue, just got to hope for a firmware update to fix it.
Just got some official europe/western region cameras in for a customer so decided to do a bit more testing - checked face detection on both a DS-2CD2385FWD-I (8mp turret 4mm) with 5.5.3 and a S-2CD2542FWD-IS (4mp mini-dome 2.8mm) with 5.5.0 - both factory installed firmware unchanged, both cameras set to their native resolutions.
I noted after activating face detection via the NVR (7616-I2) that the trigger channel for the camera was also checked (which I would expect) - however going into the camera's own GUI noticed that it was unchecked - ticked the trigger channel 'A1' and proceeded to test. (noted that my IP PTZ was already had trigger channel 'A1' ticked - and can't remember doing this manually as it just worked from the get go...)

I noticed that when within a meter that I’d get an event '!' in the lower left - closer inspection revealed that this was a 'face detection' event, doing a VCA search on the NVR pulled up no recorded events or rather the message 'no picture file found' for the cameras, just the PTZ from earlier in the day.

Then did a log search under ‘maintenance’ on the NVR for the cameras in question and found that face detection events were in fact being recorded and could be replayed from there - however not a convenient way to do it.

Also noted that my 6 year old daughter was more likely to trigger an event - since she goes bounding up to the camera with a big grin happy to see herself on the test monitor. I tested it with a straight emotionless expression and found I had to stay quite close and still for the face detection to work - big banana grin and they would pick me up quicker, the 2385 from further away and the 2542 had to be a lot closer, with both my face needed to be near the centre of the cameras framing. In contrast my PTZ will give a face detection alert for the side of someone’s face across the road so these 2-Line and Easy IP3.0 cameras really aren’t very sensitive (tests were done with full sensitive setting - the PTZ is set to its lowest).

On the topic of the missing picture file on VCA search - I realised that my PTZ is a 2MP model and anything 4MP or above gives a 'no resource' message when doing playback (the quick view thumbnails along the timeline). I tried reducing the resolution to 2MP for both cameras but made no difference.

Over the last day I’ve tried the same settings on my 2542 front door camera and checked this evening if it recorded any events by doing a log search – nothing, it’s on max sensitivity with faces at the front door near the centre of framing, my wife and kids have been in and out a lot… also worth noting that this camera came with an older firmware and was only recently updated to 5.5.0 (i.e not a factory firmware install).

This may explain why folks are getting face detection alerts when using the cameras direct to internet without an NVR as the camera can probably send the alarm notification direct, but something is defiantly missing in the way the NVR picks this up and catalogues the event – also the sensitivity is way too low on these current firmware’s.

feature works but is definalty half-baked.
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I noted after activating face detection via the NVR (7616-I2) that the trigger channel for the camera was also checked (which I would expect) - however going into the camera's own GUI noticed that it was unchecke

Thanks for the detailed reply.
With the R6 and G0 platform cameras I was aware that if you setup the cameras via the NVR that the cameras own GUI trigger channel A1 is always unchecked.
When I first installed the system with a DS-7608-E2/8P NVR I enable this check box via IvMS-420 on four cameras and this stop all recording for smart events at the NVR.

As a test today on two cameras I have ticked the A1 check box for Face Detection/Line crossing/Intrusion via the camera GUI.
On testing this for the last ten Hrs with a family group of ten and some 1500
Line crossing/Intrusion detection's later, there is zero Face Detection events in any of the NVR logs.

I believe we can dismiss camera A1 check box as the cause of zero Face Detections.

I did email support and they requested full details of the system. All of the cameras and NVR are fully updateable from Hikvision firmware links.

This is there reply:-
Your device is not a Hikvision USA region product. Please contact your original place of purchase for support.

Please find below the Hikvision unauthorized distribution policy. Thank you for your understanding.
Unauthorized Distributors Policy:
Hikvision USA/CANADA only supports products that are sold through company approved channels and will not support product sold outside these channels. Hikvision USA/CANADA only provides Warranty
Service and Technical Support for products purchased directly from an Authorized Hikvision
USA/CANADA Distribution Partner.

The three cameras that I inquire about were purchase from an Australia licensed Hikvision installer and his supplier should be an approved Distribution Partner.
In Australia Hikvision has no support line and refers all support requests to there Distribution Partners. The end user is unable to contact then directly.

So much for this statement.
If you have any additional questions, please call Hikvision's security line at 626-723-2100, or talk to their tech support at 866-200-6690
They are usually very helpful and will happily assist you regardless of where you purchased their product.

Base on Hikvision support to date on this issue I should had purchase Ebay specials and save about 30%.

Not happily Hikvision.
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For some reason mine have stopped emailing me, face detection. :banghead:
58chev same i'm pissed going to pull my front door cam out 8mp easyip3 and plug it into local and see if i can get email to work better will update thinking nvr is crapping it self
Tried as DGWASW suggested and tried unticking the A1 box on my 2385's gui - face detection still recognised by the NVR but no events actually catalogued under VCA search... then the camera died, just reboots itself every few minuites now - its going back! benifits of not buying from china sellers.
Just done a detailed log search on my NVR for the last 3 months for my front door stationed 2542 mini dome camera, it has infact detected faces - on average 1 detection every 14 days! but on the upside there were no false positives... I think its safe to say apart from the issue of the NVR not capturing and logging a VCA picture file (or the camera not sending one), the face detection sensitivty is way too low with the current firmware.
Tried as DGWASW suggested and tried unticking the A1 box on my 2385's gu

This was not meant to be a suggested fix for face detection not working.

By default with my recorders DS-7608NI-I2/8P and DS-7608N-E2/8P NVR with
DS-2CD2342WD-I / DS-2CD2335FWD-I cameras, when setup via the NVR the cameras own GUI trigger A1 box is always uncheck. Which is not as I would expect?

then the camera died, just reboots itself every few minuites now

After reading this I uncheck the cameras GUI A1 boxes for the two that I changed on Friday. They are still recording line crossing /intrusion events and have not gone in reboot mode after two hours.
If just un-ticking the camera GUI A1 boxes causes a 2385 camera to entry reboot mode then this needs to be address by Hikvision ASP.

Over the last year I have notice with changes to some the common settings via the camera GUI they are not transfer back to the NVR until both are depowered and restarted.

I agree with Frank that the sensitivity is way too low for these cameras current firmware’s. Len size may also be a reason for no face detection's.

Hikvision should reinstate the 4 rules for line crossing /intrusion events.
Or allow more then four points when drawing intrusion zones.
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@ DGWASW - in no way pointing the finger at you my friend, your contribution to this thread has been valuable. The camera failed because it was faulty, simple as that - factory reset a few times - no output from the DSP despite the web gui working. Before it died i noted that it was very warm to the touch and the display image had a lot of lag and time jumps. Switched it off for the night and then found no image output when i turned it back on.

I think the lens choice does help in that it makes the face bigger within the frame however you still have to be very close even with a 4mm lens for it to work, that should be tuneable if the sensitivity options were in the proper range - as things are they are way out of wack.

Agreed on the line crossing/intrusion - did you know that Hik's Turbo systems have 4 of each implemented by the DVR regardless of the camera choice (brand or model), for a lower platform it seems to offer a lot more then IP in certain situations - anyway OT now, apologies.
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58chev same i'm pissed going to pull my front door cam out 8mp easyip3 and plug it into local and see if i can get email to work better will update thinking nvr is crapping it self

Finally got one camera working for face detection. (out in my yard that covers the rear door and garage man door)

I changed the "ON THE CAMERA" in the Video/Audio page to h254. I then had to also change it on the NVR's camera settings page. Also I have on the NVR to trigger the other camera in the back to record.
With both set to h254, I now receive face detection emails from my camera and a "face alarm D2" from my NVR.
What I like is the email from the NVR contains stills from two cameras.
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So i also got the problem where face detection was not visible as an option when directly connected to my camera DS-2CD2135FWD-I (3mp low light)
under the web gui of the nvr i get message "the camera does not support the function"
This camera fully supports it, thats why i bought it.
i found the answer by disabling h.265+ (drop down set it to off). i left the video encoding to h.265
i noticed this was the same effect on DS-2CD2385FWD-I (8mp cameras)
both cameras have v5.5.3
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Doesn’t it tell you in the little box when enabling h265 some features are disabled? Including face detection and a few other things
I didn't see any on any of the interfaces.
the only reference i found was in the manual..
"With H.264+/H.265+ enabled, some functions are not supported. For those
functions, corresponding interfaces will be hidden."
there is no direct reference that this will disable face detection
Odd on there ptz once you tick h265 it gives a little box to read which says which stuff won’t work hopefully one day they will get it all to work with h265