Farewell faithful BlueIris, or so it seems

Sep 19, 2015
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Naples Fl
I haven't been able to update since 11/16 so friday I sent support an email about it and yesterday I got this

I asked my wife how come we no longer have a toaster and see how it messed up my security cameras? how am I going to watch the dogs play with the panther and bears now? she failed to find any humor in this at all. and if things were not bad enough already this am I got this

but when I put my license number in it and leave and reenter I get the same thing all over again 1670352269304.png1670352269304.png
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IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
Reaction score
It looks like you still have an activated license going.

Did you delete BI without de-activating (or is it unregister)?

Are you past your year and maybe this is a new feature to prevent folks from updating and then getting the evaluation watermark?
Sep 19, 2015
Reaction score
Naples Fl
It looks like you still have an activated license going.

Did you delete BI without de-activating (or is it unregister)?

Are you past your year and maybe this is a new feature to prevent folks from updating and then getting the evaluation watermark?
I did not deactivate it, just tried to update it and it came back with my license removed. I pasted my still active licesne in it and after getting into BI and leaving it that comes back again.

I feel like I am in 1670353698724.png1670353698724.png
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Sep 19, 2015
Reaction score
Naples Fl
well this morning I was able to open BI, but one third of my cameras were different with old IP address and no real camera connected to it. stopped the service and tried installing the latest update from the website and still no go and it hangs. rebooted went into BI reinstalled the cameras. I guess I will get a second license and install it on my new pc and import my cameras into it and see how it goes.


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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You do not need a 2nd license...

Several threads on it....here is one that discusses a change BI made with 5.6.2.

5.6.2 - September 23, 2022
5.6.2 - September 23, 2022 The Camera Discovery window now finds MAC addresses along with IP addresses. You also have the option of using the previous ONVIF discovery, or the new full LAN IP and port scan. With this, it should no longer be necessary to use the external website service Advanced...

Blue Iris Configuration changing spontaneously
I have been running Blue Iris for years. Recently two of my Cameras started changing configurations spontaneously. The cameras have an assigned IP address of (TH_Pointing SE) And (THNE) They are configured with that address in Blue IRIS and the cameras are visible for a...

BI changed camera IP addresses
Updated to BI 5.6.2 the other day on one of my BI systems. Last night, the IP addresses of 2 of the cameras was changed in the BI configuration. I usually reserve .50-.200 for DHCP and the addresses in BI was configured for IP addresses in the DHCP range but I would never have put my cameras in...

5.6.2 - September 23, 2022
5.6.2 - September 23, 2022 The Camera Discovery window now finds MAC addresses along with IP addresses. You also have the option of using the previous ONVIF discovery, or the new full LAN IP and port scan. With this, it should no longer be necessary to use the external website service Advanced...

Unless you like headaches or don't care to be a beta tester (which we do need and are thankful of those doing that), once you find a stable version of BI, resist the urge to update until they add something that is of value to you. Especially now with all the frequent changes trying to get SenseAI to work more seamlessly.

I am still on 5.5.something because Deepstack simply works for me and I have seen lots of issues with the new SenseAI and nothing new has been added since my version that I care about. Most here do not update and do not have auto update on and only update when something new is added they want. Previously I was on an older version until substreams were introduced and then I stayed on that stable version until DeepStack was added then I went to that stable version, and I am holding tight there until something is added that I feel I need or would enhance my system. This MAC address thing is good for some, but as you are seeing, it can also be a headache.

Many people here are still on Version 4 because that works for them.

You can go in and make changes to fix this or rollback to the version before this change happened.

And then turn off automatic updates!!!!!
Sep 19, 2015
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Naples Fl
how do I run BI on a second machine without a second license?

and yes I love torturing myself by getting the lastest and greatest


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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If you want two machines running at same time, then yes you need a 2nd license.

I thought you were going to just buy another license instead of getting this one going.