FedEx Delivery Fail


Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
He was 50 feet from completing his mission. I blame Walmart for their crappy packing not the FedEx driver. Girlfriend called Walmart to complain and Walmart gave her a full refund and told her to keep the product. No harm, no foul I guess.

The packers at all the fulfillment centers are not taught some simple do's and don'ts and I fault the company more than the packers.

Although never employed as a packer I've learned things over the years both as a receiver and as a sender that results in products being shipped with much less likehood of damage in transit.

These packers seldom see the results of their jobs and about the time they might be getting better at their job they move on. The company should not depend on the packers learning on the job and as they go but instead ramp them up to speed from the day they are hired.

It's not rocket science but a a matter of some simple physics.....however if you spend all your awake hours with Taylor Swift or Beyonce and TikTok you likely won't understand any of it anyway. :confused: