Figuring out Hikvision API / ISAPI

I posted a linux script I use to change parameters on my cameras based upon sunrise and sunset a couple of years ago. Might take a little bit of work to find it but its here in the forum somewhere.

To figure out what to send, use something like Fiddler or Charles Proxy to watch the data being sent to the camera when you execute a command. Then you can replicate the same thing on your end by creating an xml file and injecting it to the camera using curl.
Anyone have successfully run the API on 2-way audio on postman, c#, angular, or any other programming languages?

I have no problem on get parameters and start and closing of a channel. My only problem is that I cant hear or send audio to the camera.

I have no problem on get parameters and start and closing of a channel. My only problem is that I cant hear or send audio to the camera.
Send audio data to hik ipc.
audio codec 711
for other need to change

exist python example
method the same send splited data with pause
Hi guys,

do you know how to switch ON.OFF the LED from a ColorVU device with API commands ?
Turn on LED
curl.exe -k --silent -H "Content-Type:application/xml" -X PUT -d "<SupplementLight><supplementLightMode>colorVuWhiteLight</supplementLightMode><mixedLightBrightnessRegulatMode>auto</mixedLightBrightnessRegulatMode><whiteLightBrightness>50</whiteLightBrightness></SupplementLight>" http://<YOUR_CAM_IP>/ISAPI/Image/channels/1/supplementLight --digest -u <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>

Turn off LED
url.exe -k --silent -H "Content-Type:application/xml" -X PUT -d "<SupplementLight><supplementLightMode>close</supplementLightMode><mixedLightBrightnessRegulatMode>auto</mixedLightBrightnessRegulatMode><whiteLightBrightness>50</whiteLightBrightness></SupplementLight>" http://<YOUR_CAM_IP>/ISAPI/Image/channels/1/supplementLight --digest -u <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>