Fine tune motion


Getting the hang of it
Mar 9, 2018

I'm struggling to fine tune my motion detectors.
Is there a smart way to do that ?
I can't understand even the squares showed in the configuration screen, how does it help me
Did you press the Help button while in the Motion Sensor screen? It will take you to the exact spot that explains what the boxes mean and how to make things more/less sensitive. What I have found though is there is never a 100% catch all the motion you want, it is best to do a continuous recording, then you can check stuff before and after an alert or check spots where you think something happened but for some reason you didn't get an alert.
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Also if you haven't seen the tutorial videos that one of the forum members here made, they've been helpful:
Blue Iris Video Tutorials

They are based on Blue Iris V4, but the general gist behind how motion detection works (and how to tune it) still apply IMO.
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