Fine-tuning a trigger at night


Young grasshopper
May 10, 2017

I have 2 zones setup A and B, I've setup to receive a notification when a person or car is found in Zone B. This works great during the day, however sometimes at night when cars drive past their headlights are triggering motion in A and B, and the AI in Zone B is detecting the parked car.
I have static object detection enabled.
Any ideas how to best tackle this?

Zone A


Here's a recording at 7:35pm which worked as expected, no alert was pushed
Video which shows the event ==> Video

AI Analysis

BI Log
3     9/08/2024 7:35:37.077 PM    Cam7                    Triggered: Motion_A
3     9/08/2024 7:35:38.806 PM    Cam7                    Re-triggered: Motion_AB
0     9/08/2024 7:35:47.173 PM    Cam7                    AI: Alert canceled [occupied] 1323ms

Here's a recording at 7:43pm which didn't worked as expected, the AI for some reason didn't see the parked car as a static object and sent a notification.
Video which shows the event ==> Video

AI Analysis

BI Log

3     9/08/2024 7:43:21.094 PM    Cam7                    Triggered: Motion_A
3     9/08/2024 7:43:21.667 PM    Cam7                    Re-triggered: Motion_AB
0     9/08/2024 7:43:30.158 PM    Cam7                    AI: [Objects] car:92% [2454,651 3603,1391] 3322ms
0     9/08/2024 7:43:30.158 PM    Cam7                    AI: car:92%
3     9/08/2024 7:43:30.158 PM    Cam7                    Alerted
0     9/08/2024 7:43:30.783 PM    Cam7                    Push: OK to S21

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AI isn't perfect. Mine will do the same thing at night, with parked car, if it gets hit by headlights. Heck sometimes it will trigger a car if a large bug flies in front of the camera. It's few and far between though.

Thats, yeah understand, it's good to know the issue isn't specific to me, hopefully the AI will improve over time.
The issue is every headlight that hits the parked vehicle can look different than the previous static image - either the headlight shine is higher or lower or different shade of white, etc.

We can tell it is the same car and not moving, but when AI is simply comparing two images, it can think it is moving.
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Reactions: JeffCharger
Gotcha, thanks for explaining. My biggest problems are light (mostly sun variation through trees) and spiders in IR. If we could solve that, I’d be tickled!