Finished another install using HP Machine with BI Turret cams.

Looking good Blake any hard time running the Cameras under the soffits? You ran them through the Attic?
Nope no problems. Just grabbed my fish rods from harbor freight straight up into attic. Only thing that sucked was the two feet of blown insulation in the attic! Seven cameras total.
if your going to install the monitor sideways you should rotate those cameras :P

looks good.. those turrets are awesome under soffits
Yeah stupid phone cam auto rotated photo! Lol. I love the turrets. Such a clean and easy install.
Nice and seamless install! I'm considering mounting my cameras on the soffits as well. The only thing that will be a pain is the blown installation. Looks like I will need to make a trip to HD to pick up some fishing rods and then the fun begins.
Do yourself a favor and grab a 10' stick of pvc pipe. It works like a dream going across attics.
Yep, attach how many sections you need, attach cable to one end shove the fish rods up I to attic and grab from other end.