Firmware for 2831?


Getting the hang of it
Feb 16, 2016
i recently upgraded all my IPC-HFW2831T-ZS-S2 using the below image name


available from here

Looks like the right one.
What is the difference between those two files though? Only difference I see is the part "NP_Market" vs "PN_Market"
Going through and updating firmware....and once again, having trouble finding a firmware that doesn't complain about being the wrong version.
The above stated links appear to no longer be functional.

@EMPIRETECANDY Do you have a firmware link for the latest for a 2831R-ZS ?

Then link to firmware.

Think this firmware is the correct one hopefully! But be cautious!
I put this firmware on a old Amcrest equivalent and it worked a treat.

Then link to firmware.

Think this firmware is the correct one hopefully! But be cautious!
I put this firmware on a old Amcrest equivalent and it worked a treat.
Yeah, I had actually run across that exact firmware earlier when trying to get this to work.
That one also comes up as incorrect. Same thing on two different 2831's that I have.
You really need to be asking yourself why are you updating? If it is just for grins and giggles or OCD behavior to be running the latest firmware, think twice. Most here do not update a perfectly working camera. Some of my firmware goes back to 2018.

A common theme around here is don't fix what ain't broke. If the unit is working and meets your needs, in many instances an update breaks what you had working and provides you with something you didn't need or bricks the camera. In most instances, updates are simply security vulnerability patches (usually years after the breach was found), but since we do not give our cameras internet access, the update is useless to us.

Here are issues I have seen people report here where they were upgrading just for the sake of upgrading:
  • A Dahua Z12E that someone updated and then constantly reboots comes to mind,
  • The Dahua 49225 PTZ that loses autotracking with an update come to mind,
  • A Hikvision ANPR camera losing half the FPS and loses the ability to read US plates - those are big deals to have happen.
  • A Hikvision camera that the user lost ability to control the LED light function at night.
  • A Hikvision thermal camera that lost the thermal ability.
  • Countless other instances where the camera or NVR simply bricked and became useless.
  • Countless examples where the camera or NVR went into Chinese.
Don't do it unless it is fixing a problem you are experiencing or adds a feature you really need.
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Reactions: VorlonFrog
i have the same camera
dahua ipc-hdbw2831r-zas-s2
but i cannot find the firmware on dahua web,
anyone can help?