Firmware for HIKVision NVR & Cameras


Oct 7, 2022
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
Okay, we've had our HIK Vision CCTV system installed for 19 months now and I thought it'd be wise looking at firmware updates....

The NVR is a DS-7608NI-K2 / 8P and the three cameras are all DS-2CD2087G2-LU models.

The NVR Firmware details are:

Firmware Version: V4.30.011 build 200803​
Encoding Version: V5.0 build 200706​
Web Version: V4.0.1 build 200618​
Plugin Version: V3.0.7.21​

The Camera Firmware details are:

Firmware Version: V5.5. 154 build 200928​
Encoding Version: V7.3 build 200925​
Web Version: V4.0.1 build 200817​
Plugin Version:​

So the questions are:
  • Where is the UK firmware available?
  • What is the recommended versions of the firmware to use (possibly not the latest versions)
  • Can the cameras / NVR be updated via the web interface (no messing with USB sticks etc)
  • If there are any issues with the firmware updates can the cameras (etc) be reset without physically accessing the cameras (up way too high for me to get to)
  • Any other recommendations?
Thanks as always......


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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Maybe you will be fine, but his advice is sound LOL. We get weekly threads started because someone updated for kicks and grins and bricked their unit or deleted an item they used...

Here was someone that updated that NVR recently just for kicks...

You really need to be asking yourself why are you updating? If it is just for grins and giggles or OCD behavior to be running the latest firmware, think twice.

A common theme around here is don't fix what ain't broke. If the unit is working and meets your needs, in many instances an update breaks what you had working and provides you with something you didn't need or bricks the camera. In most instances, updates are simply security vulnerability patches (usually years after the breach was found), but since we do not give our cameras internet access, the update is useless to us.

Also keep in mind Hikvision has been preventing some firmware from being downgraded, so if it removes something you want, you will be out luck.

Here are issues I have seen people report here where they were upgrading just for the sake of upgrading:
  • A Dahua Z12E that someone updated and then constantly reboots comes to mind.
  • The Dahua 49225 and 49425 PTZ that loses autotracking with an update come to mind.
  • The Hikvision DS-2DEA425IW-DW PTZ that loses autotracking with an update comes to mind.
  • A Hikvision ANPR camera losing half the FPS and loses the ability to read US plates - those are big deals to have happen.
  • A Hikvision ANPR DS-2CD4A26FWD camera that lost all ability to read plates - kinda makes the camera useless.
  • A Hikvision camera that the user lost ability to control the LED light function at night.
  • Hikvision DS-7616NI-Q2 NVR that has the APIs changed.
  • A Hikvision wifi camera that loses the ability to use wifi after a firmware update.
  • DH-DB61 Doorbell that loses API functionality.
  • Hikvision iVM4200 v3.8 - loses the free ability to use the computer as storage.
  • Dahua IPC-HFW1320S that started phoning home using 60MB/hr and costing someone thousands of dollars in data overages.
  • Dahua 5442 that will not allow playback of the SD card.
  • Countless other instances where the camera or NVR simply bricked and became useless.
  • Countless examples where the camera or NVR went into Chinese.
Don't do it unless it is fixing a problem you are experiencing or adds a feature you really need. If the release notes are blank, you are gambling...

Further, it is best to obtain any firmware updates from the vendor you purchased it from so that you do not run into issues. Any firmware you find here or elsewhere is obviously proceed at your own risk. We have many threads here where someone tried an update with a firmware they found on the internet and bricked their unit.

Many units being sold are Chinese hacked units into English that will either brick or go into Chinese upon updating. Some vendors will be upfront and tell consumers that as part of their website, but many do not or the consumer forgets...


Oct 7, 2022
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
Hmm that does give me cause to hold off for a while. The cameras are one generational update behind but the NVR looks to be three firmware updates behind. The main reason I'm looking to upgrade is to get the video interface working in modern chromium browsers,


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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Yeah unless the firmware notes say it provides that, more than likely it won't.

And sadly we see too many instances where people update thinking it will provide that and it doesn't. Based on chipsets, it usually has to be a new unit (not always, but many times that is why we never see that browser fix in an update). So if your system is working, leave it alone LOL.

Here was someone that updated a different Hik NVR last week thinking/hoping it would provide that functionality with browsers and it didn't and then removed APIs he was using for home automation....



Known around here
Feb 4, 2020
Reaction score
Minnesota USA
ah that a known feature in one of the firmwares? If so, might be worth the try......Using workarounds gets super annoying....I could justify an upgrade for that.....I wonder if there is data mentioning the browser compatibility in a firmware update.....
I downgraded a firmware once to get RSTP streams on a Hik DVR