Firmware QCN8026B QSee IP HD Camera

Aug 3, 2023
Hello all,

Wondering if anyone has firmware appropriate for QCN8026B Q-See IP HD Camera sitting in their archive. It's a Dahua rebrand.

It's currently stuck in the boot loader loop looking for "upgrade_info_7db780a713a4.txt", so I thought I would try cor35vet's easy unbricking by TFTP method. Seemed to happen after a power outage.

I have another working camera that has
version V2.400.QS00.0.R and build date 2015-09-10.

Any potential links I have found for the Q-See firmware have been broken.

Please let me know if you think you might have a candidate.

Thank You!
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I have these files archived from my very first Costo Q-See kit system. I don't think the kit came with the 8026B, but I "upgraded" a couple times and know I owned a couple 8026b at one time, before moving to Dahua and Blue Iris. I know that Dahau was the OEM for Q-See cameras. I honestly do not remember if any of these were for the 8026B, so I can make no guarantee as to if any of these are the files you need, so proceed at your own risk.

I won't attach to the post, I don't think that's allowed, but I will work on putting them someplace and DM you the link. I'll try to get this done in the next day or so. I'll leave that link active for a week.
I happen to need the same firmware file and can't find it anywhere. Would you mind sending a link my way as well?