First message, here are my cameras


Aug 29, 2023
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Good morning !

I recently discovered this forum, and I got a lot of interesting information from it.

So I'm going to present here quickly the few Cameras I have (others are still in the belly open;))

My favorites the basic IP-CAM:
I (here in France) bought this camera some time ago with a "French" brand to realize that it was Pure China, so I bought another there for 5 & 6 times cheaper!
Wi-Fi only
Thomson1.jpg Thomson2.jpg Thomson3.jpgThomson4.jpg

Another, again, under a French brand, like the first one, it's pure China in real, and like the first one above, I can now configure and do a lot more than the seller said!
In Wifi & Ethernet + PTZ

This one I have left from a project at work, it's an AXIS P3301 that I don't use at the moment
Ethernet only

The last one, I don't use it (for the moment) I haven't, unlike the previous ones, been able to use it as I would like, that is to say directly via RTSP streams or others, it is in P2P, and I don't like that at all, if you have any leads, I'm sure it's China too
Only Wi-Fi + PTZ
If you have any leads on this one, I'm all ears.
Fiji Onkyo1.jpgFiji Onkyo2.jpg

I have 2-3 other Cameras from China which are completely disassembled in search of a more... interesting exploitation (I will put them here later.

In general, my first modifications are the replacement of the "850nm" infrared LEDs for invisible "940nm"
I run under Linux, with different tools, FFMpeg of course, Mediamtx (formerly rtsp-simple-server) a great tools 1s of latency to get RTSP and send HLS (github), Motion, and some process tools that I create in Go (Golang)

I would like to have information if it is possible to do "more" than what I do with these cameras, for example to have Telnet access (or other), to be able to upgrade the Firmware, to make operate the alarms etc... or anything else something that must be possible.

To the specialists to tell me
I have some good notion in electronics, so no worries with that;) within the limit of ... reasonable

(sorry for my bad english)
Thanks in advance