Thanks for the help. Hopefully these don't accumulate a lot of crap on them. I can imagine a dome camera.
I still think and auxiliary IR would help you a lot, especially further from the camera.
Here's a capture from a 5442T, 6mm. The IR in the camera is off but there is IR from another camera, mounted basically mid-frame, and an auxiliary illuminator out even further. I get sharp captures of deer and fox with this setup, not to mention people should they wander in at night.
View attachment 141095
These work really well and a lot smaller footprint than some others.
Review- New Design Tendelux 10 Watt IR illuminator.
So I purchased one of the new redesigned Tendelux Ir Illuminators to give it a try. You can see it here I have two other older Tendelux IR illuminators that are still running strong after almost 3 yrs in use. One is an 8 watt model, and the other is a 4 watt model. And they've done a fine
I run 162 or 18/2 when I run the CAT cables to provide power for auxiliary IR. It takes a load off the switches that way.
I'm using these. The big one lights up the whole back yard, about 200 x 220, for all the cameras back there. I do have IR on for one camera to fill the shadows created by the big IR flood though. I;ve seen good reports about the Tedelux wittaj mentioned as well. Mine have been up for a few years with no problems.
Smaller IR
Can you not aim your camera further to the right to remove most of the siding from view?too much IR glare off the siding