Forum opinions on proposed security system for HOA (~400 houses)


Dec 10, 2015
We've had a crime problem in our neighborhood and the HOA (in combination with residents) are looking to implement a security system. We've had car break-ins, armed robberies, and mail theft. Most of the cameras would have to be on premises of residents.

A security company gave us a proposal (attached). I wanted to get the opinion of the forum on the costs and coverage. My initial thoughts are that a much more robust system would be needed than just LPR cameras.

Any feedback or recommendations are appreciated.

View attachment camera1-1.pdf
I am no professional or anything, but it seems to me that neighborhood LPR cameras would not be much of a security system. Perhaps a supplement to ordinary home surveillance systems though. You need evidence that a crime was committed by a specific person, not just an idea of which vehicles may have been in the area at the time.
My initial thoughts are that a much more robust system would be needed than just LPR cameras.

Any feedback or recommendations are appreciated.

Your initial thoughts would be correct. Until you get enough activity to warrant human intervention and monitoring, like a routine patrol or neighborhood watch group, this is just a feel-good band-aid, imho. We have captures on this forum with bad guys that KNOW about the cams, and still do their deed...hoodies and faces away from cams, etc. You will need a lot more coverage, to the point of ID'ing subjects as mentioned above. Think of the TV News request 'do you know this person?'...if you can't ask that with your capture results, it was a waste. However, if the goal is to convince the HOA they indeed have a serious crime problem and elevate its priority, I'm sure you could gather a lot of suspicious activity with that basic setup.
I am a no professional either Vargarwal...but this proposal seems best. If it was my project I'd have every choke-point into and out of that development covered so every vehicle that entered and exited the development was LPR logged. I'd also develop a comprehensive plan which might include working with the police to increase patrols, establishing a neighborhood watch program to get all of the residents on-board, neighborhood watch signs and surveillance camera signs. I might even explore establishing a fund to hire a private security to do part-time patrol during hours which have proven most prone to crime.

But hanging a half-dozen cameras around the neighborhood? Nuh-uh!
We've had a crime problem in our neighborhood and the HOA (in combination with residents) are looking to implement a security system. We've had car break-ins, armed robberies, and mail theft. Most of the cameras would have to be on premises of residents.

A security company gave us a proposal (attached). I wanted to get the opinion of the forum on the costs and coverage. My initial thoughts are that a much more robust system would be needed than just LPR cameras.

Any feedback or recommendations are appreciated.

View attachment 6859
Armed Robberies, this is serious shit. I would suggest every home have security system and an cameras recording 24/7. And like what others mentioned talk to police with HOA.
It appears that this is the hardware being used based on the spec sheets:,

We already have a patrol and police involved, they are the ones who suggested increased monitoring.

Would a fully IP system be better? Is the listed camera/system good for LPR?

I am going to suggest additional higher quality IP cameras, but like others have mentioned this will probably be for individual homeowners to decide and do.
That's a tasty markup, eh? :)
I would be looking at feasibility of security gates.
I also live in an HOA neighborhood. I can tell you that one of the best things you can do is to convince the neighbors to invest in their own ip camera systems. That is what I did in my own neighborhood and it's worked out great for them and me.
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I also live in an HOA neighborhood. I can tell you that one of the best things you can do is to convince the neighbors to invest in their own ip camera systems. That is what I did in my own neighborhood and it's worked out great for them and me.

Agree with this post. Maybe, to make it easier on everyone, is have someone become an "expert" on setting these up and then neighbors just copying it.
That is exactly how things happened for me. I'm normally an alarm guy, but after installing my own and my system helping to catch three kids vandalizing my neighbors house, now I'm know as," The Security Guy." Four new clients and still going!