Free internet address for blue iris - remote mobile use


Getting the hang of it
Sep 13, 2014
I went through the remote setup for Blue Iris and have it working with my remote IP address. On the last page they list of the remote setup stuff there was a web address that is included with my BI license so I don't have to use a dynamic dns service but I didn't write it down. I know it said that I need to use the first and last five digits of my license key so I have that but what was the rest of the web address? I'm worried my remote IP might change. (Actually, I thought the setup was going to take me multiple times, LOL!)
I went through the remote setup for Blue Iris and have it working with my remote IP address. On the last page they list of the remote setup stuff there was a web address that is included with my BI license so I don't have to use a dynamic dns service but I didn't write it down. I know it said that I need to use the first and last five digits of my license key so I have that but what was the rest of the web address? I'm worried my remote IP might change. (Actually, I thought the setup was going to take me multiple times, LOL!)
There is nothing to write down..simply enter your license info in the app when editing the server info and hit "get ips"
There is nothing to write down..simply enter your license info in the app when editing the server info and hit "get ips"
Wow, thanks for the quick info. I guess it doesn't do what I thought, I thought it was a replacement for Dynamic DNS.
This is what I saw: where xx's are the first and last 5 characters of your license key.
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Actually, that does do what I want, it's just a different approach than I was expecting, the more I look at it.