I guess we should feel sorry for all of those Government Workers that will be
soon loosing their jobs and start suffering. Those same S.O.B.s that have made our lives
I just don't see fed employees let go in significant numbers. Sad but likely true. The swamp will fight back.
I was a government contractor in IT for 12 years before I pulled chocks and left to come back to my beloved Texas. I cannot stand the GS force. Waste, fraud, abuse, PURE INCOMPETENCE, laziness, Napoleon Syndrome, and ignorance. I can honestly say, that maybe 3 out of every 10 GS workers that I encountered and worked with, were worth a f**k. I sincerely and honestly believe that. I worked with GS-12's to GS-15's that could barely type a email using 5th grade grammar. I remember when they were talking about laying off all of the contractors one year...the GS folks were freak'd the hell out. Why? They didn't know how to do their jobs any longer...WE did their jobs for them. Show up on time, answer your phone, some emails, go home on time (don't be late), and you were practically bullet proof. Fucking pathetic. ASK any GS person that actually does their job and earns a paycheck: If 50% of the GS force disappeared (the dead weight) would there be a noticeable difference in service and output? NO! NONE! NOTHING. It's that bad.
I worked in IT positions. In DISA there was a STRONG Vietnamese presence. You scratch my back, I scratch yours type of shit. It was complete and gross incompetence. When in a Government facility that is secured, you had to speak English. I would consistently here their groups talking in Vietnamese. I was once in the secured Server Room and a group of them were conversing in Vietnamese. Keep in mind, they were accessing secret networks, etc. I reported them. Lets just say it wasn't exactly a 'friendly' work environment after that, not that IGAF. A big part of the reason why I left.
In fairness, I did work at CAA (Center for Army Analysis) and there were a LOT of good patriots, and some of the smartest people I have ever met that worked there. Though it had it's issues as well, I can honestly say they LOVED THIS COUNTRY and worked very hard to protect it. But there was some dead weight there as well...but they usually didn't last long.
But as a whole, I stand by my first examples. Absolute waste, fraud and abuse of American Tax Dollars!
Fight back they will, you can bet your last, hard earned dime on it!