Funny / Satire

I don’t know if this is funny/satire or just plain sad. I’m going with the later.

This past weekend I went to the local party store to buy some beer. As I was approaching the counter I overheard a conversation between the older lady and younger girl who was in her mid 20’s. She said she doesn’t know how to write a check.... I interrupted her and asked if she was serious, she said yea, I’ve never written a check and don’t know how to do that...

Today I stopped at a gas station to buy a pop. I gave the girl exact cash and change. I placed two dollar bills in her hand and the $.42. She just stared at her hand and said this isn’t enough. I had to actually count everything out for her to confirm that I gave her the correct amount. She had to take the quarter, dime, nickel and two pennies and inspect them. Finally I informed her that the change was correct and I walked out.....

I think I’ll go back tomorrow and bring a $2 bill and absolutely blow her mind if she is working.......
I think I’ll go back tomorrow and bring a $2 bill and absolutely blow her mind if she is working.......

I want to do the same but use them for tips when we go out to dinner. God I wish they call the cops on me for that .....
I think I’ll go back tomorrow and bring a $2 bill and absolutely blow her mind if she is working.......
Or a Susan B. Anthony dollar coin ....

This has been happening to me since cash registers that figure your change due have been in use: Your food comes to $17.30 and give the young person a $20 bill and three $1 bills so you'll get back a $5 bill and 70 cents change, because you'd prefer a 5 instead of more 1's to add to the 8 or so already in your wallet......they hang onto the 20 and before they enter it into the register, hand you back the three 1's and say "...this $20 is enough."

But my favorite is when they tell you your tab is $8.17, you had them a $10 bill and while you're fishing around in your pocket for some change (with a pocket knife, a bottle of hand sanitizer and a small LED penlight running interference), they enter the $10 into the machine and you finally come up with the 2 pennies and they say "I've already entered it into the machine "and then try to hand you the $1.83 change. I ask them to lay it on the counter, I put my 2 pennies next to the 3 they laid down, count them slowly and verbally loud enough for them to hear and then say "...can I have nickle for these 5 pennies?. We won't tell the machine." The reply is usually like "...oh, yes...we need pennies." :facepalm: