Funny / Satire

Now THIS is something very, VERY important and we all should be grateful that there are people on the lookout to take care of such matters, especially in the wake of Russia shelling the Ukraine, rising gas prices, out of control inflation, rising urban crime, empty shelves and an open southern border...<end sarcasm>
Not The Bee! NOT The Bee!

Unbelievable! So the way MEN can have a baby is one of two ways: 1) Get a uterine transplant (which has yet to be done) or 2) be a woman (with woman parts) and "identify" as a man.

'In order to explain, we’ll need to break down some common misconceptions about how we understand the term “man.” ' So let's just make up our own definition of 'man'. "Common misconceptions'? Bugger off. The only misconception is the one that resulted in the writer's birth.

'To our knowledge, there has not yet been a case of pregnancy in an AMAB individual. However, advances in reproductive technology could make this a possibility in the near future' So, no, it has not happened.

'With our understanding constantly evolving, it’s important to honor the fact that one’s gender doesn’t determine whether they can become pregnant. Many men have had children of their own, and many more will likely do so in the future.' Wait, didn't you just state they did not?