Funny / Satire

Maybe, this should be in the second amendment thread. Years ago, a friend an I argued about this specifically. He is for legalization and I was for a more cautious approach. One of my concerns was exactly this. Who could be for a drug addict owning a gun? A politician will act like he is doing you a favor when the end desire is actually taking away your rights. A quick search found this Nikki Fried fighting back against federal law that prohibits medical marijuana users from buying firearms . Also found this Can Texas Licensed Medical Marijuana Users Own a Gun? . I visualized someone with parkinsons disease brandishing a fire arm.

On a related note, I have seen a large number of Gulf war veterans with PTSD. They were encouraged to get diagnosed in return for 100% disability. This is another attempt to take away their 2nd amendment rights. Also who could argue for a shell shocked veteran having a gun?
Maybe, this should be in the second amendment thread. Years ago, a friend an I argued about this specifically. He is for legalization and I was for a more cautious approach. One of my concerns was exactly this. Who could be for a drug addict owning a gun? A politician will act like he is doing you a favor when the end desire is actually taking away your rights. A quick search found this Nikki Fried fighting back against federal law that prohibits medical marijuana users from buying firearms . Also found this Can Texas Licensed Medical Marijuana Users Own a Gun? . I visualized someone with parkinsons disease brandishing a fire arm.

On a related note, I have seen a large number of Gulf war veterans with PTSD. They were encouraged to get diagnosed in return for 100% disability. This is another attempt to take away their 2nd amendment rights. Also who could argue for a shell shocked veteran having a gun?
That is the problem with trying to make it a 'one size fits all' solution. When does the government have the right to take away your rights? Did you ever see the movie Minority Report or read the Philip K Dick book of the same name? Arrest someone because they MIGHT commit a murder? Take away a segment of the population's (not a single individual) rights because we think they might commit a crime? It should be very difficult to take away someone's rights and it should be decided on an individual basis.