Gdmss & idmss mobile apps constant issues!! No notifications


Getting the hang of it
Oct 18, 2015
I was having trouble getting iPad app to send notifications I ended up resetting the iPad and installing the plus version. Problem fixed!

Now android was working on both phones now all of a sudden both android phones have stopped sending messages around 12:00 yesterday but iPad is still getting them.

I am about to go off like a nuclear bomb I can not understand it. Apps have not changed cameras have not changed so what has???

Is it just me?
I was having trouble getting iPad app to send notifications I ended up resetting the iPad and installing the plus version. Problem fixed!

Now android was working on both phones now all of a sudden both android phones have stopped sending messages around 12:00 yesterday but iPad is still getting them.

I am about to go off like a nuclear bomb I can not understand it. Apps have not changed cameras have not changed so what has???

Is it just me?

For some reasons, the internet can break down. For sure, notification servers from Apple (iOS) differ than then ones from Google (Android).

What you might try to do:
  • do nothing in the iPad
  • reboot the android. did it fix the issue?
  • launch the DMSS app on your LAN, and "unsubscribe" to the notifications of the cam/nvr/... Did this go well or did you receive an error?
  • reboot the android and relaunch the DMSS app on your LAN: what is the status of that slidebar to subscribe to the notifications of the cam/nvr/...? If it is still enabled and was disabled in the previous step: uninstall the app, including all collateral data. If it remained disabled, turn it on. Did this go well or did you receive an error?
  • reboot the android again. did you already get some notifications? Hooray! Problem fixed! If not, it might be Google!
(and if you really really want to be sure, install a networking sniffer (eg tcpdump) on a pc on your network and do intrusive packet inspection to see whether or not these notifications are sent over the network, but as you stated that iOS did work, then that part should be Okay!)

Happy Camming!
Thanks for the reply took the dog out and it just started working on its own still do not know what it was could be? Must be on there side but I seem to be the only one that noticed.
Thanks for the reply took the dog out and it just started working on its own still do not know what it was could be? Must be on there side but I seem to be the only one that noticed.

Maybe you should go out more often with the dog ;-)

It's a FREE internet service, I wouldn't expect any SLA or even SLO on it. I'm happy when it (often) works.

As a "parallel" (backup) track, you could opt to send emails (with snapshot), so you are pretty much alarmed in all cases.

Happy Camming!