gdmss plus IVS push notification not working

I will try that, it’s just frustrating because everything worked fine for years and then with these firmware updates it all went to hell. I saw another user having the same issue of transient alerts too.
Im in the same boat, but will try what was mentioned above. I have not changed any router/internet settings in years, but once the new updates came, no push notifications. I have set my nvr to send me emails/text messages, but those dont take you directly to the video like the push notifications do

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Did you guys at least search the forum and look for the various "reset" procedures lying around? I have had one hickup in the past 4 months, and had to redo that reset procedure only once.

> your NVR needs outbound internet connectivity on TCP2195 >. If that is not the case, it will not work.

step 1: UNCHECK the alarm feature on your NVR within DMSS. Simply deleting the device without unticking the alarm subscription is a recipe for disaster
step 2: if you couldn't uncheck the alarm feature, you are doomed, search a nice corner to cry out
step 3: just kidding, you càn try to delete the NVR entry from the app, but what's more productive is to clean the app from your phone, deleting all data/cached stuff. Then re-add the device with the local LAN ip address, no P2P or other shizzle
step 4: if you could uncheck the alarm feature, thén enter the alarm section, goto IVS and select the channels you want, do NOT forget to press the save icon (top right) before hopping back into the alarm menu
step 5: enjoy the push notifications!

Happy new year!
Just tried everything, nothing changed. I am convinced it is the app itself because in the gdmss plus app i cant even go to my presets. But the basic gdmss app lets me do it. Gdmss plus does not have any section for push notifications etc, as it did before. This is like beating a dead horse. Ill just live with what i got and keep my fingers crossed it will work one day. I have messaged the app developers numerous times and havent heard a thing.

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I have been having issues as well. My iPhone is on iDMSS 4.31.002 because of the playback issue where you can't jump from one motion detection event to another but I've lost my push notifications. I've just updated my Ipad to the most current version to attempt to see if I can get IVS push notifications but I'm unsure where it was moved to. I clicked on Home in the top left - then to Message on the bottom bar. Clicked the + sign with the alarm bell in the top left location - check my NVR to on status - and I no longer see IVS there. I tried IVS under the AI Analysis tab and it caused my NVR to become unresponsive and reboot itself. (My NVR is not an AI NVR and is also on old firmware so that might be the issue?). Any help to find out where "regular" IVS went?
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I have been having issues as well. My iPhone is on iDMSS 4.31.002 because of the playback issue where you can't jump from one motion detection event to another but I've lost my push notifications. I've just updated my Ipad to the most current version to attempt to see if I can get IVS push notifications but I'm unsure where it was moved to. I clicked on Home in the top left - then to Message on the bottom bar. Clicked the + sign with the alarm bell in the top left location - check my NVR to on status - and I no longer see IVS there. I tried IVS under the AI Analysis tab and it caused my NVR to become unresponsive and reboot itself. (My NVR is not an AI NVR and is also on old firmware so that might be the issue?). Any help to find out where "regular" IVS went?

I don't have an AI NVR either (but on almost latest FW), but IVS ruling are just under the +sign - NVR - IVS --> line crossing/section...
I don't have an AI NVR either (but on almost latest FW), but IVS ruling are just under the +sign - NVR - IVS --> line crossing/section...

Are you sure this is how to subscribe to push notifications on the DMSS app? This is the screen I see when I try to subscribe to push notifications on the most recent iDMSS app. I don’t see an IVS section anymore.

Thanks I’ll try again. When I went in there and saved settings this morning my NVR froze up and had to be restarted.
I’m using a 5216-4kse-16p but I’m still on an firmware from 12/2017 and not looking to update the firmware on the NVR. Im open to updating my iDMSS app if necessary on my iPhone and that’s why I’m trying to test the most recent version first on my iPad.
I’m using a 5216-4kse-16p but I’m still on an firmware from 12/2017 and not looking to update the firmware on the NVR. Im open to updating my iDMSS app if necessary on my iPhone and that’s why I’m trying to test the most recent version first on my iPad.

Why are you avoiding a firmware update? There is a 11-29-2019 available for that NVR and is probably part of the issue.
I guess I can try it. I will have to weigh the importance of leaving it alone as it’s functional (other than push notifications) vs updating the firmware on the cameras and NVR and possibly mucking something up.
Okay just an update. I don't mean to hijack this thread and I plan on posting on the iDMSS thread shortly. Using @catcamstar 's directions worked well for me a few posts up. I forwarded port 2195 to the NVR in my router (although I don't know if this was necessary since I was getting emails but I did it just to be safe - I'll go back and delete that soon to see if that was necessary or not).

The issue I was having is two-fold. First I don't think iDMSS is designed for the iPad - whether in Portrait or Landscape mode there are problems "going back" once you click a menu so it requires a force close and a re-open of the app every time you make a change. I was able to subscribe to push notification alerts through AI Analysis and force close the app. I was able to get push notifications but when I tried to open them on the iPad the app crashed. I then updated my wife's iPhone to the most recent version of iDMSS and was able to get push notifications working properly and when I clicked on the push notifications the app did not crash and worked properly. So what this means to me (and I could be mistaken) is that my old version of iDMSS that is currently on my iPhone 11 with iOS 13.3 (that I have chosen not to update since May 2019 and have stayed on version 4.31.002) is too old now to receive push notifications.
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Hi folks,
till yesterday night, I used gdmss plus to alert me of ivs of my 3 Dahua cameras.
My cameras stream to my Synology NAS and this combination worked fine. I received a push from gdmss and then I could login to my NAS to see the recording.
All of the sudden, not a single alert and push is created anymore with me not touching anything of the whole setup.
What the hell?
I just reinstalled gdmss. rebooted the cams, the router... nothing.
Any ideas?
Did you try to resubscribe to the alerts again?
Hi @Sammy0815, start at the source: do a wireshark/firewall logging to see whether or not that outbound connection is made. if it's blocked in between (router? firewall? .. which got an intermediate firmware update?), it will not work. Remember, client-server is not a forgotten concept here: it can be from your NVR to the push notifications systems, and downstream from the push notification systems to your device. Try to eliminate & sniff as much as possible.

Good luck!
It is just amazing that I didnt change ANYTHING and all of the sudden, it doesnt work anymore.
So the NVR, which is my Synology NAS shouldnt play a role, right?
Its just the Dahua cam where (lets make it easy) I turn on motion detection and in gDMSS i go to "message", "Alarm Subscription", I chose the cam, and check "motion detect", right?
Thats at least how it worked for the past 5 month.
It is just amazing that I didnt change ANYTHING and all of the sudden, it doesnt work anymore.
So the NVR, which is my Synology NAS shouldnt play a role, right?
Its just the Dahua cam where (lets make it easy) I turn on motion detection and in gDMSS i go to "message", "Alarm Subscription", I chose the cam, and check "motion detect", right?
Thats at least how it worked for the past 5 month.

It is a common knowledge thingy that it is never ever the fault of the end-user, nothing ever gets changed :-)

So back to my original question (stop whining and do some debugging): is there an outbound communication from your camera each time there is an IVS alarm? If not, it's the camera. If there IS an outbound communication, is it blocked in your firewall/router/gateway? Do enable logging on that device to make sure this is the case. If you do not see these packages, you know the "root cause" lies in your network. If you DO see them, then you can start shooting around: maybe it's the notification service (dahua), maybe it's your ISP who (without any communication) blocks these outbound connections - various possibilities, but you need to make sure they leave your premises before you can shoot!

Happy debugging!
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Hi Catcamstar, thanks so much for your support, and yes, I stop whining and get down to it. :)

Ok, so the Cam itselft seems to see the events. Not only does my light come on on the cam, also I see that event in the log of the cam, for instance this:
Username: System
Time: 2020-06-07 11:22:33
Type: Event End
Content: {Channel NO.:1 Event Type:Motion Detection Region Name:Region1 }

So now, I giess I can assume that this was forwarded to the router, right?
Now on the router, I deactivated any kind of Firewall (Asus AC88U) - but still, nothing is triggered on my gdmss App.

How does the gdmss exactly work? Where should it get the data from and how?
To me it looks like its something within or around that App, dont you think?

Thanks again,