Getting secondary stream snapshot instead of primary


Jul 2, 2022
I have an Intelbras NVR model NVD 3316 P, which is mostly a Dahua rebrand.

I'm trying to take snapshots from my cameras, but all the snapshots are coming from the secondary stream, not the main one.
I am getting the snapshots over HTTP, like this: https://user:pass@nvr.ip:port/cgi-bin/snapshot.cgi?channel=2&subtype=0

The "Enconder/Picture(Snapshot)" configuration is set to full-HD with the best possible quality, all cameras are recording in full-HD and I can access the main stream without any problems.


However, I can only get the primary (main) stream snapshot from camera 1 (channel 1). For other channels, the snapshot is always from the secondary (extra) stream. There's no difference in configuration from one camera to another.
Even setting the stream "subtype" parameter to 0 does not give me the correct stream.

Any idea of how to force the snapshot to be primary one?