Glass breakage detectors


Jun 4, 2015
I have no clue if these things are worth it. My product search on these sensor is they use audio as the detection method. Any advise and words of wisdom are greatly appreciated. regards martyo
There is a product I found on one of the shopping channels, that will either ALARM, or power on a device remotely that you plug into the receiving unit.
Anyways, it's a device that if you even touch a window or open a door it will go off. The demo they showed was pretty cool. I will try to find the info about it to pass along to you. I posted the info about it in another thread when some one was discussing something similar.

EDIT: Here is a copy/paste of my previous post from another thread.

Check into this, I saw it on the TV last week. I was skeptical about it, but from what the video demonstration showed, it seems really great. I do not have one, but if you can find the video demo of it, you may very well be interested in it.

(On the left of the screen under the image of the product, there is a link to click for "LIVE PRESENTATION" so that you can watch the presentation video from when the product aired.

I hope this helps!
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What brand system do you have?

Vista, Just wondering if glass is overkill as I will have motion. Looked at Honeywell wired glass compatible, like the small flush wall mount one if they all work equally. thanks in advance.
Glass breakage detection is not overkill. Between survellience cameras and a home security system, you are trying to accomplish two main things. Identify the perp or perps, and try to prevent them from entering your property at the earliest point. Glass breakage detection helps aid in the earliest detection on the alarm side. Properly setup, they are a valuable tool in your system. If your town ordinance allows it, also look at an exterior siren with strobe.
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I have contacts on all windows and doors, motion detector on each level, gb and cameras. I install home security so I've seen some of the best and worse installs.
I have contacts on all windows and doors, motion detector on each level, gb and cameras. I install home security so I've seen some of the best and worse installs.

With respect to inside cameras, can it be triggered to record off alarm system when it is armed, and not record when it is disarmed? thanks
Yes it can be done 2 ways. If you go the video verification route it ties into your vista and only arms when you arm your system and disarms when you disarm. This route adds a slight cost to your monthly monitoring. If you already have an ip camera system either nvr or blue iris, you can manually turn on and off your interior cam yourself for free.
In addition to the question on glass breakage being over kill, I was watching a show where an older man and his wife were downstairs watching tv and a burglar entered through the upper window and cleaned out the whole upper level pretty much. It was a UK docu type show.
There is a misconception that if you live in a two story home, the main floor is the main priority. This is far from the truth and I always recommend every door and window have contacts to include the garage overhead door. You can go a step further and use optex perimeter sensors as a pre warning setup.
I like glass breaks, when I worked for an alarm company they seemed to work well and I never saw any false alarms with them.

I have them in my house, to test mine I put them in a bucket and smashed a beer bottle and they went off.
the modern honeywell glassbreaks have a 2 part detection. first the vibration of the glass being struck and then the actual shatter. prevents false alarms from just basic loud sounds. I have had some very loud parties with folks blasting the stereo that have set off the glassbreaks but it was only when the music got turned up very loud and the bass was shaking the house/walls. Otherwise they are very useful as I have a lot of windows and sliders on one floor. if you have an animal that gets left inside, the PIR motions even with the pet models often false trigger unfortunately. you see people turning the PIR's upside down to avoid false detection which narrows the coverage area. with the vista you'll end up just using a stay mode with pets that turns off the interior motions. its a tricky business to get it fine tuned depending onyour circumstances, but i do recommend the glassbreaks. They do work well.