Login to webpage of camera, go to the system page and upload the firmware. Done.
Wow thanks. I felt like I wasted some time reading that forum link I referred to but its a good read anyway.
Stupid of me that I forgot to take a screenshot of the whole screen when it was still Annke firmware so I don't know how it originally looked like, but I can tell that is it normal that they look 100% identical?
I was only able to take a screenshot of the before the update but only the firmware details and not the Hikvision logo up top (right of screenshot) and I can't remember if it originally said Annke or Hikvision.
But is it normal that the model is still I91BH? Should it change to DS-2CD2387G2P?

Lastly, I'm trying to figure out the main stream and sub stream in Blue Iris. The Find/Inspect button was not working. It just gives a / for main stream and blank in substream and there are no list in the dropdown for both.

So I looked up the RSTP formatting so I can manually fill it up and from the Hikvision documentation
Main Stream: rtsp:/username: Password@ <--- made a space between : P because its making a smiley face but there should be no space in betwee
Sub Stream: rtsp:/username: Password@
or the substream could also be (read this from reddit) ---> rtsp:/username: Password@
I think the 2nd link of the substream works better but can anyone share what you are specifically using for Blue Iris for this particular camera?