Good reason to have two DVRs I guess - Not mine.


Pulling my weight
Apr 1, 2014
Okay, so needless to say this is not my clip, but this story is interesting more so than the actual clip. The video shows the cops raiding a place a purposefully breaking the cameras, then removing the DVR. The place had a backup 4 camera system hidden and it continued to record. The cops tried to block the video from being used as evidence as "they had disabled all cameras they thought, so they had a reasonable expatiation of privacy." What?!

Why on earth did they think it was okay to destroy the equipment in the first place.

Interesting case needless to say, and shows that having a backup DVR is not a half bad idea in retail locations anyway.

"Three Southern California police officers were charged Monday with theft of protein bars and cookies eaten at a medical marijuana dispensary last year."
I would assume that the cops had the munchies. :D
I really want to know what these hidden cameras were, they had limited audio but the impressive part to me is that they were not found. They were specifically looking for and breaking cameras, and the one camera they break is directly below a hidden camera yet they never see it. How the heck were they hidden? Whoever installed those apparently did a good job.
Sounds like the hidden cameras were for catching employees who already knew about the overt system :o
This sort of behavior from police infuriates me so much I can't even post more about it. These pigs--cop is not fair for them--should be in FPMITA prison.
How it it legal to "disable" cameras by smashing them? How bout pull the plug on the nvr.

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"SAPD personnel "legally disabled 16 surveillance cameras, following investigatory and officer safety protocol. The hidden 4-camera system continued to record during the execution of the search warrant," Orange County prosecutors said in the statement."

This sounds like just an excuse to cover their asses, although I can see in some instances that possible remote surveillance by gangbangers might require CCTV disabling. If I was a cop and just busted a crack house I'd be tearing out any cameras mighty quickly. Wrecking the property of hippies running a stpre just to oppress them further and cover up their lack of professionalism on the job? These folks need a serious job change and quick. Maybe something like writing out parking tickets so they've got no real power and they get yelled at all day long. This makes me rethink the importance of a complete hidden backup system rather than relying on in-cam recordings to back up the NVR.
How it it legal to "disable" cameras by smashing them? How bout pull the plug on the nvr.

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I agree, also how can an officer whom is basically employed by the public expect "reasonable expectation of privacy " during a search of a business. Bathroom visits yes.
i love how they raided a weed shop and started eating the munches laying about; wish they woulda got dosed, freaked out and called the cops on them selves.
That is what kind of made me mad about the video, there was zero need to destroy the cameras, or yank them off the ceiling. The DVR was in plain view, with the monitor showing the feeds. All that they should have needed to do was disconnect the DVR and be done with it. Unplug the cameras and you can see them go offline, no need to tear anything up at all. Just unplugging the DVRs power would even be enough to start with, though they took the entire DVR in the end there was still no need to tear up the cameras, that's just being malicious.

I like cops well enough, I know a few and overall great people. There are always the few that give everyone else a bad name though. I would not want their job at all that is for sure, so I sure appreciate the ones that are doing it all right!
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Sounds like the hidden cameras were for catching employees who already knew about the overt system :o

There's a lot more to this story than meets the eye. Basically, the municipality only offers a limited number of weed retailer licenses - something like 30 a year. So getting one is like winning the lottery. Thus many (if not most) dispensaries operate without the proper city license. That doesn't go over well with code enforcement.

There's a pretty anti-cop slanted article here that covers a lot of the intricacies - including comments made by the cops to customers that were in the store. Overall, it's a huge black eye for cops, and public servants in general..

The Mayor is being sued, with claims that he was having the police raid dispensaries that didn't pay him protection money.

Government: Protecting and serving... itself.