Haven't posted in a while


Known around here
Mar 29, 2015
almost to the bottom
Sorry guys. We have been busy and I haven't had much free time to get here and chip in with help on camera stuff and post videos. We have quite a few videos of crazy stuff to post. Here is just one. This is a car wash that we monitor in Kentucky somewhere. They still have analog cameras, which work good for what we need them to do. We did ship them a new Dahua XVR recently, so we need to start upgrading these to HD. Our guys see all kinds of weird stuff here. We watched this Envoy pull up in the middle of the night. Two guys got out and had what lookde to be a water hose. Once they sparked the flint, we knew this was going to be bad. The guy managed to cut through the dead bolt and as soon as the door opened, the burglar alarm siren went off. The guys entered the control room for about 1.5 seconds, then packed up and took off. We had the cops there pretty quick, but they missed these guys by a minute or two.

Yikes, they were in and out really quickly. Guessing they just grabbed the cash from the coin machine on the wall there?
Yeah they didn't have time to do jack shit. Luckily that door doesn't have a entrance delay and the bell sounded immediately upon opening.
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That looks to me like "we just spent 5 minutes cutting open the door", now we're inside and there is a really good chance the cops are notified and there is a coin "piggy bank" here that's going to take another 3 hours to open. The real loss here is the damage to that steel door & frame they have to replace now.

Meanwhile I'm trying to imagine how a traffic stop would go, "why you guys toting around a gas torch with 30 foot of hose in your SUV?" Just wondering how that ends, "it's a work truck?" idk.
Wow that took longer than I expected to cut through! We had some local guys try that with an ATM in a bank vestibule after hours. Set off the heat alarm on the ATM instantly which was verified by camera. They fled on foot but only made it a block into the neighborhood before being apprehended. Go big or go home I suppose!

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